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Career Advice

Surrender your abilities in capable hands

Surrender your abilities in capable hands to realize your true potential
Lord Hanuman possess indomitable strength, power, wisdom, ability, and capability. He surrendered all at the feet of Lord Ram. Lord Hanuman never used it for himself, never go berserk, never boasted of his talent to promote himself.
He surrendered everything to Lord Ram and he was blessed with the boon of having eight Siddhis and Nine Nidhis. Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram..

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Dreaming with the eyes wide open

For most of the entrepreneurs and founders, there is a thin line between the weekdays and weekends. I work for managing the business during the days and weekends mostly spent on ideation, visualization, roadmap development, meetings with entrepreneurs and mentoring people.

I also spend a considerable amount of time during the weekends in daydreaming with the eyes wide open. When I am fully awake and that inner voice of faith begins speaking the promises of good things and social impacts that I have made to myself. I dream to soar my imaginations to boost the performance and connect the missing links to accomplish the goals.

Based on my experiences, I dare you to dream during the day. Want to experience it now. Close your eyes and start breathing; inhale for 5 seconds, hold for 20 seconds and exhale within 10 seconds. Continue for 10-20 minutes. Permit the voice of your spirit to embrace and let you tell about the big and bold good things that have yet to come into your life to make your living a bright and beautiful one.

Daydreaming is the seed of goodness that you saw in your life field to crop a good life. When you have an idea clarity coming from within you can then apply other factors to make it a reality.

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भावनाओं पर नियंत्रण ही अमरत्व के योग्य बनाते हैं

श्रीकृष्ण कहते हैं:

यं हि न व्यथयन्त्येते पुरुषं पुरुषर्षभ |

समदु:खसुखं धीरं सोऽमृतत्वाय कल्पते || 15||

“वे बलवान और बुद्धिमान पुरुष, जिनके लिए सुख और दुख समान हैं, और जो इससे पीड़ित नहीं होते, अमरत्व के योग्य हो जाते हैं।”

हमारे शारीरिक और मानसिक अनुभव देश, काल और परिस्थितियों से काफी ज्यादा निर्देशित हैं। अभी जब आप यह पढ़ रहे हैं यदि इस वक़्त आपके आस पास सर्दी है और आपने गर्म कपडे नहीं पहने हैं तो आपको ठण्ड महसूस हो रही होगी। लेकिन ठीक उसी जगह अगर कोई ठण्ड कपडे पहने हुआ है तो उसे इतनी ठंड नहीं लग रही होगी जितनी की आपको। 

ठीक सर्दी और गर्मी के एहसास की तरह ही सुख दुख हानि लाभ इत्यादि भी क्षणिक अनुभव मात्र हैं। इनसे उत्प्रेरित भावनाएं स्थायी नहीं होती। वे आते हैं और चले जाते हैं। कोई भी स्थिति हमेशा नहीं रहती।

हमारी तेज-तर्रार दुनिया में हम अक्सर आराम, सफलता और खुशी की तलाश में रहते हैं। लेकिन क्या होगा अगर सच्चे सुख की कुंजी हमारे दर्द और सुख के प्रति दृष्टिकोण में छुपी हो? 

मैं जब भी इस श्लोक पर मनन चिंतन करता हूँ तो मुझे बचपन में सुनी हुई एक कहानी याद आ जाती है। 

एक छोटे से गांव में रहने वाला रसिकलाल नाम का किसान दिन रात अपने खेतों में मेहनत करके अच्छी फसल उगाता। उसकी आर्थिक चालक काफी अच्छी थी। फिर भी यदि कभी बारिश या किसी प्राकृतिक आपदा के कारण उसकी फसल अच्छी नहीं होती तो वह काफी उदास हो जाता।

एक दिन उसके गांव में एक साधु महाराज आये। साधु महाराज अपने ज्ञान और विचारशीलता के लिए काफी प्रसिद्ध थे। रसिकलाल महात्मा के पास गए और उसे अपनी परेशानियों का उल्लेख किया। 

महात्मा ने उसे अगले दिन सुबह फिर से आने को कहा। रसिकलाल महात्मा के सुझाव को मानते हुए फिर से अगले दिन सुबह महात्मा के पास पहुंच गया। 

थोड़ी देर बाद महात्मा रसिकलाल के पास आये। उन्होंने रसिकलाल के हाथों में एक मटकी और कुछ उजले और कुछ काले रंग के पत्थर के टुकड़े थमाते हुए बोले: “आज से जब भी खुश महसूस करो तो एक उजला पत्थर का टुकड़ा लेकर इस मटकी में डाल देना और जब भी दुखी महसूस करो तो एक काला पत्थर। जब मैं अगली बार इस गांव में आऊंगा तो तुमसे मिलकर आगे की बात करेंगे”

रसिकलाल ने हामी भरते हुए मटकी और पत्थर अपने हाथ में थाम लिया और अपने घर चला गया। 

वह महात्मा के आज्ञानुसार जब भी खुश होता तो एक उजला पत्थर और जब भी दुखी होता तो एक कला पत्थर उस मटकी में डाल देता। जब उसे अच्छी फसल मिलती या परिवार में खुशी का माहौल होता, तो वह सफेद पत्थर डाल देता। और जब फसल खराब होती या किसी परेशानी का सामना करना पड़ता, तो वह काला पत्थर डाल देता।  धीरे-धीरे, उनकी मटकी सफेद और काले पत्थरों से भरने लगी।

कुछ महीनों बाद महात्मा फिर से गांव में आये।  रसिकलाल अपनी मटकी लेकर महात्मा से मिलने गया। महात्मा ने उसे मटकी से पत्थरों को उलटकर सफ़ेद और काले पत्थरों को अलग अलग गिनने के लिए कहा। 

रसिकलाल ने गिनना शुरू किया और उसे ज्यादा ख़ुशी वाले पत्थर उससे थोड़े काम दुखी वाले काले पत्थर मिले। 

महात्मा ने हंसते हुए किसान से कहा, “देखो, तुम्हारी जिंदगी में सुख और दुःख दोनों ही लगभग बराबर मात्रा में ही हैं। यहाँ तक की तुम्हारी ख़ुशी दुःख से कहीं ज्यादा ही है.”

किसान ने सिर झुकाकर पूछा, “लेकिन गुरुदेव, मैं अब भी दुखी और परेशान क्यों महसूस करता हूँ जब कोई दुखद घटना घटती है?”

महात्मा ने उत्तर दिया, “क्योंकि तुम अभी भी सुख और दुःख को अलग-अलग रूप में देख रहे हो। तुम सुख में बहुत अधिक डूब जाते हो और दुख में भी बहुत अधिक। तुम्हें समझना होगा कि सुख और दुःख जीवन का हिस्सा हैं, और दोनों को समान रूप से स्वीकार करने से ही तुम सच्चे संतोष और शांति को प्राप्त कर सकते हो। जब तुम्हें यह समझ आ जाएगी कि दोनों एक सिक्के के दो पहलू हैं, तो तुम अपने जीवन के हर क्षण का सामना बिना किसी पीड़ा के कर सकोगे।”

गीता के इस उपदेश से श्रीकृष्ण अर्जुन से कहते हैं कि हे अर्जुन, बुद्धिमान और सशक्त पुरुष ख़ुशी के क्षण में न तो अत्यधिक इतराते हैं और न ही दुःख के पलों में बिचलित ही होते हैं। वे जीवन में जो भी आता है, उसके बावजूद संतुलन और शांति की भावना बनाए रखते हैं। और यही कारण है की वो अमरत्व के उत्तराधिकारी हो जाते हैं। 

यहाँ श्रीकृष्ण हमें सकारात्मक और नकारात्मक दोनों अनुभवों को शांत स्वीकृति की भावना से देखना सीखकर ही हम खुद को अपनी भावनाओं द्वारा नियंत्रित जाल में फ़साने से मुक्त कर सकते हैं ऐसा ज्ञान देते हैं।

यहाँ अमरत्व को भी ठीक से समझ लेना जरूरी है। यहाँ अमरत्व का मतलब जीवन और मृत्यु के चक्र से मुक्ति नहीं है बल्कि आत्म शक्ति और आत्मज्ञान की वह अवस्था जहाँ हम चिंताओं और भय से परे हो जाते हैं। यह एक ऐसी मानसिकता का विकास  करने के बारे में है जो रोजमर्रा के जीवन के उतार-चढ़ाव से विचलित नहीं होती।

हमें हमारी भावनाओं पर नियंत्रण सिर्फ सतत प्रयास से ही प्राप्त हो सकती है:

  1. माइंडफुलनेस का अभ्यास करें: अपनी भावनाओं को तुरंत प्रतिक्रिया दिए बिना देखना सीखें।
  2. कृतज्ञता विकसित करें: अच्छे समय की सराहना करें बिना उनसे अत्यधिक जुड़े हुए।
  3. लचीलापन विकसित करें: चुनौतियों को आपदा के बजाय विकास के अवसर के रूप में देखने का प्रयास करें।
  4. संतुलन खोजें: भावनाओं के चरम सीमाओं के बीच झूलने के बजाय एक स्थिर दृष्टिकोण बनाए रखने का प्रयास करें।

श्रीकृष्ण कहते हैं कि सच्ची ताकत कभी दर्द महसूस न करना या हमेशा खुश रहना नहीं है। यह जीवन के सभी अनुभवों के प्रति एक शांत, संतुलित दृष्टिकोण विकसित करने के बारे में है। इस दिशा में छोटे कदम से ही हम अपनी भावनाओं पर नियंत्रण कर सकते हैं और हमारे जीवन में अधिक शांति और संतोष ला सकते हैं।

आप क्या सोचते हैं? क्या आपने कभी किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति से मिले हैं जो इस तरह के भावनात्मक संतुलन को प्रदर्शित करता प्रतीत होता है? यदि आप खुशी और दुःख दोनों को एक ही स्थिर मानसिकता से देख पाते, तो आपका जीवन कैसे अलग हो सकता था?

अपनी राय जरूर दीजियेगा। 

भावनाओं पर नियंत्रण ही अमरत्व के योग्य बनाते हैं Read More »

How to Manifest Your Life Vision

Vedic books are filled with the mantras that invoke and manifest all round harmony – they are like our ultimate life goals written for us to live a joyous life and leave our legacy. That’s the reason all religious preaching guides us to begin our day with the prayer.

Similarly, you need to write your own prayer for your life. You may call it life vision. You keep your life vision closer to you and read it everyday. It’s a recognized fact that when you read your life vision everyday then you think about it. When your goal is in your front, you work for them and they will manifest. That’s in a nutshell is the Law of Attraction.

I have observed that seeing your goal everyday push you to take some actions to get closer to its realization. Knowing that you’re getting closer to your goal strengthens the willpower, your ability to make powerful decisions and increased focus, attention and commitment to accomplish your goal.

If you take just one step toward you big goals every day, you’ll realize those goals weren’t really far away.

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Remember to Put Glass Down

Stress Management- Remember to Put Glass Down

A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they’d be asked the “half empty or half full” question. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired: “How heavy is this glass of water?” Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz.

She replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn’t change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.” She continued, “The stresses and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. Think about them a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed – incapable of doing anything.”

It’s important to remember to let go of your stresses. As early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don’t carry them through the evening and into the night. Remember to put the glass down! —Author unknown

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Making Possible the Possibilities

Yoga unites mind, body, intellect and soul to be me. Me the purer, me having control on my emotions, my thoughts become clearer and my instincts truer. Yoga lifts me to learn more, live more, love more and instill greater harmony with the higher self.

I can state that practicing yoga releases me from the race of false desires and imposed instincts from the external forces that makes me weaker and weaker and fall away entirely in time.

For me yoga brings suppleness in body, calmness in mind, kindness in heart and awareness in life — yoga prepares me to make possible the possibility.

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Man with hammer: Invert, Always Invert

Charlie Munger mentions Invert as an effective tool often in the book Poor Charlie’s Almanack. Invert means you look at your problem from the opposite perspective, and it may reveal new insights.

“What’s the flip side? What can go wrong that I haven’t seen?”
“Invert, always invert. Many hard problems are best solved only when they are addressed backward.”
“For instance, when almost everyone else was trying to revise the electromagnetic laws of Maxwell to be consistent with the motion laws of Newton, Einstein discovered special relativity as he made an 180- degree turn and revised Newton’s laws to fit Maxwell’s.”
“Well, great declarers in bridge think, “How can I take the necessary winners?” But they think it through backward,  “What could possibly go wrong that could cause me to have too many losers?”
“If you want to help India, the question you should consider asking is not: “How can I help India?” Instead, you should ask: “How can I hurt India?” You find what will do the worst damage, and then try to avoid it.”

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Be prepared to be wrong to build something original

If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original

I love telling this story.

A six-year-old little girl was in her drawing lesson. The girl was so deeply engrossed in her drawing that she didn’t pay any attention to anything around. Watching her so much attentive, the teacher felt fascinated and approached her, and she said, what are you drawing?

The girl said, “I’m drawing a picture of God.”

The teacher quizzed further with her sense of affirmation, “But, nobody knows what God looks like”, and the girl said, “They will in a minute.”

Take a chance like kids. Kids don’t know about the success or the failure. They are not frightened of being wrong…

If you aim to grow, it’s only possible when you’re willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable… when you are prepared to try something new.

From the time you have become an adult, you have lost your kiddish capacity. Regain it back if you aim to stop being frightened of being wrong.

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To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves

Mahatma Gandhi said, “To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves.” Recently I along with my family went for an early morning Nature Trail at Lavasa and amid peace and silence we walked for several kilometres, watched plants and heard the sound of bird chirping.

After a few hours when we left the garden, it felt like we filled our bodies with the volume of oxygen which we might otherwise have breathed in a month.

What made this so soulful?

I remember my father used to say that farming is the most humble of tasks: “Your head is always bowed and sometimes you have to go down on your knees.”

While poised in this most humble of postures, we begin to work in parallel with God in the creation of the greater world and universe.

Although God’s dimension is infinite and eternal while ours is contained and immediate, we, nevertheless, enter into the same act of creation: to produce, to make life.

To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves Read More »

Just pull a little and it might work

Most task fails or left unaccomplished because either we don’t begin it the right way or we just leave it halfway realising either that we’re not getting the result as expected or we loose the conviction about the outcome.

I have personally experienced that leaving something halfway is more disastrous than fuelling your inner self to pull little harder to get there.

As a software developer I have  experienced  that building a great software requires coding line by line, module by module for building a product.

My mantra for accelerating yourself for hitting your goal is that step after step, little by little, keep pulling a little harder keep solving the part of puzzle until its solved.

Just pull a little and it might work Read More »

Someone went first, so you could go fast

Question: “I have this brilliant idea which is 10X better than that of a similar product available in the market, but I am not first. What do you suggest?”

Answer:  “Being first is not an advantage and it’s not that it can’t be overridden.

In my view, it’s a great opportunity for you to evaluate the state of early movers, find out the missing link and then create your product which is truly 10X better.

You should find a mentor and people who have been there, who have travelled the path, who have learning worth sharing and who have suggestions that might help you develop a better strategy.

Mentors and advisors don’t run your business — but they’re there to give you that guidance so you can avoid those critical challenges and mistakes that could take you out of the race.

You can certainly go fast and go farther than those who went first and still become a winner.”

Someone went first, so you could go fast Read More »

Tips for designing a better life

You can design a better life, if you only remember these few things…

Remember that you are a designer of your life.

To be a designer of your life, you must think about your life plan as a designer – what is your desirability to reap tangible and strategic outcomes.

Listen to you, people and the environment to find the inspirations that will be like a dewdrop to invoke your own intuition, creativity and confidence.

Remember that Not knowing is just fine

Awaken your genius within to learn, experiment, risk and have the attitude to feel “alright” even when you fail. Trust that one day you’ll be a perfect, fine and profoundly expert in your act.

Remember that being optimistic is like being alive
Whatever is not in your reach today is your opportunity to get tomorrow.

When you self-doubt, it’s better to start with “What if?” instead of wondering about “What’s wrong?” Believe and burst yourself for a better future

Remember that you can beat by going out and getting done.

Don’t ponder over things. Don’t procrastinate. Pull yourself out of your comfort zone. Go out of the building and learn from the world.

Everywhere around the wisdom is awaiting for you to come and learn.
Welcome the new, always.

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How to take inventory of your strengths

No one is an expert at everything, and, in fact, employers won’t expect you to be, as today’s job market requires subject matter expertise.

Use the attached template and prepare the inventory list of your strengths and preferences to guide the direction of your future. Ask yourself the following questions to understand where you excel and what interests you most.

– What are you great at?
– What are you not-so-great at?
– What do you think you can do in excellently, but it does not excite you?
– What were your passions that drove you to excel in it?

If you need to discuss anything specific, drop me a message. I can help you clear any doubt.

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Story, Strategy, and Substance

If you dream of leaving in a meaningful way, knowing your story, your strategy and the substance is necessary, and you must begin with the story.

Some people say the strategy is what gets things done in a way that delivers the result, and I too don’t deny it either.

Some other ones would say that the substance is necessary. Because, if you know your meaning you can get everything else sorted out.

I have found that knowing your story is important, and the most important way to ask yourself is “If you have to write your autobiography someday, what would you do today that gets added into the page?”

And once you know your story, preparing the strategy to live the story will become much easier, and you will consistently find the meaning as your every moment is planned in a meaningful way. 

So, today is your day, write down your story, prepare your strategy and live every day in a more meaningful way.

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The way of meaningful life

You may not be where you want to be but if you are at least trying you are better than everyone else who isn’t trying moving or making progress. Somewhere inside you is something special. You just need the courage to let it out.

To make meaning you need to change, and change is hard. Really hard. But, there is a solution… You can’t even change yourself 10 percent. But you can change 10 things about yourself 1 percent. Make tiny changes you can sustain. Unveil your better self in a meaningful way.

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