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Career Advice

Dealing with the Dilemma

What is holding me? What is pulling me?

Sometime, we get into situation when we have to decide between two good options thrown in front of us. Many a time, we loose out the opportunity due to lack of decisiveness – our inability to take decision at the right time.

Whenever you are faced with such situation, there is a model available for handling the situation – what is pulling me? What is holding me? You ask yourself the question and put it in this model.

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What if every step I take leads to another failure

“Every attempt that I make, it leads to another failure. How long shall I keep trying?”

In most of the failed situations, the cause of failure lies in how long we pull the things. It is another thing that you took the decision without much thinking, but then there are no substantial instances that vouch in favour of thinking prevents failure too.

In our life we do not have an option to avoid the failure – what we do is we look at someone, some instance, some case study and design our life based on that. But, life is not a production floor where you can produce similar thing.

Each one of us have failure, many times. May be we are not vocal about our failure as we are for success.

Think of every highly successful person you know. Do you know any one of them who got lucky by being successful at the first try?

So if you’re experiencing failure or next time you fail, keep going on. Highly successful people didn’t stop — and neither should you.

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To live meaningful life, let meaning be your guide

Today’s newspaper is tomorrow’s waste. Many of the things you’ve stored in your storage, thinking it may become useful someday, mostly remain useless.

In this fast paced world, people are also becoming irrelevant,  when one stops making meaning in the time and context.

Each one of us spends lots of effort in being organised before defining meaning sufficiently. This causes frustration as you don’t achieve any meaningful result out of the efforts put in.

Then, when it’s time to give that item or project your full attention, you’ll know where to find what you need. No willy-nilly searches for this or that. No racking your brain trying to remember the million things you need to know and do.

Finding meaning creates mental order. When you have set your mental order, you strike results that compliment with the more meaningful you.

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My take on commitment and why should you commit to yourself

During 18 years in corporate life I never spent a single day doing stuff like it was a job.

In my definition, the job is like showing up on time at the office, following instructions, meeting expectations and managing to be managed.

Few days ago I met with an ex-colleague and he said, “Ishwar, I always found you being like an entrepreneur with highest level of commitment to get work done.”

Sometime I do face questions from people on my commitment, I always reply, “It’s the only thing I do.

For me, commitment means, always doing your work, always delivering on time, always empowering people around you, always thinking of upping your business, always thinking of enhancing margins, always identifying opportunities and  bringing it up to the reality.”

Commitment is an art for people to do when no one can tell you exactly how to do it. Commitment is an art of rising up to take personal responsibility, challenging the status quo and changing the circumstances for a favourable terrain.

I call the process of doing your art ‘the work.’  The commitment is the art to pursue, push, peruse, prosper and personify yourself with where you dream to belong. That’s the commitment – nothing less, nothing else.

I chose the path of entrepreneurship because I wanted to pursue the art and make an impact through ‘the work’.

Your ‘job’ is not ‘the work’.

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3 minute focus exercise

We all do things everyday but, we get caught up in the day to day activities. Though we aim to be productive, we Instead just make the list, checking things off as we go and waiting to get to the end of the list only to start it all over again the very next day.

Do you want to get out of this state and reclaim your focus today? I’ll tell you a simple trick which you can do in 3 minutes. Ready:

1) Once you finish reading this, for one minute, sit straight, close your eyes, take deep breath pumping as much air as you can in your chest. Try to bring your focus to the point of your forehead between the eyelids.

2) For the next one minute, take a piece of paper, consider one thing that you would like to accomplish today and write it down on the paper. For example, submit the project proposal to a client, complete the business plan, generate 3 sales leads, read for an hour, etc. Use strong action verbs.

3) Once again close your eyes and reflect on your today’s goal which you have just written on the paper and do deep breathing for one minute. The aim is to instil it in your mind and also find the way to get it done.

Now, go and complete that 3 minute focus exercise. You’ll be glad you did it in the evening when you will realise that you really achieved what you planned for.

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Finishers vs Openers

This shall help:   “ Are you a Finishers or Openers?”

You are a Finisher, if you get more satisfaction from:

throwing away a container or bottle after using the very last drop, or
opening a fresh new container
But, if you are more likely to be Opener, if you like to:

have several unfinished projects going at one time, or
make sure that you’ve done a thorough job on your priority project before starting something new

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Should I wait until it’s bottoms down

Many people step into things either ill-prepared or unplanned, whether it’s a job, career, entrepreneurship or role.

As a result, they get stuck, as things don’t move as they imagined. The other problem they encounter is that they get stuck there for too long.

They don’t exit it thinking about what others will think, how they would face people around them, etc. Their indecisiveness causes more trouble for them and their loved ones!

Here’s the thing—nobody is watching you, and nobody is following you around taking notes. If you mess up, it’s not that big of a deal. Ditto if you do or say something stupid. Feel free to act on what is important to you. You can save your energies and experiences for something better.

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Where do I get the fulfilment in my life?

“Is my salary raise going to be better than last year?”

“Can I work little less than I have been working throughout the past several months?”

“Can I get the promotion to the next level?”

These are the questions mostly people ask during the performance review. I don’t say these are not important. I understand work is a big piece of our life and work must be rewarding enough. In my approach, I’ve always been a bit vocal about having balance in life and make sure that you don’t look at economic gain alone as sole motivator.

I have seen that people who are fulfilled on a much broader basis, having real balance between faith, family, friends and hobbies live really well. They completely, single-mindedly focus on and get their value out of work.

We, as a society, have started gauging our progress in improving our economic situation. When we look at our kids, we ask, “Are they going to do economically better than we’ve done?” I think we need to pursue and tell people around us that socioeconomic wealth is not the only most important measure of personal happiness; having a sense of fulfilment certainly is.

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आपका नेटवर्थ क्या है?

अगर हम अकाउंटिंग के दृष्टिकोण से देखें तो आपके पास जो सम्पत्ति है उसमें से आप की जो देनदारी है उसे घटा दें तो आपकी नेटवर्थ पता चलता है, यानी आपकी आर्थिक ताक़त क्या है !

आजकल क़र्ज़ और क्रेडिट कार्ड के माध्यम से गाड़ी, घर, फ़ोन, विदेशों में छुट्टी, इत्यादि की होड़ सी लगी हुई है। जिसके कारण हमारे ऊपर देनदारी ज़्यादा होती है और हमारी नेटवर्थ नेगेटिव ही रहती है। यह इसलिए होता है की हम आर्थिक प्लानिंग की ज़रूरत ही नहीं समझते।

आप थोड़ी मेहनत कीजिए – अपना नेटवर्थ का लेखा जोखा लीजिए, अपने आने वाले दिनों के ज़रूरतों का आकलन कीजिए, आपके कमाई के श्रोत को समझिए और फिर अपने ध्यान इस ओर केंद्रित कीजिए ताकि आपकी कमाई बढ़े और ख़र्च काम हो। नेटवर्थ हर दौर में कमाल की बात रही है और रहेगी।

इन तीन क्षेत्रों पर ध्यान दें और अपनी योजना बनायेंगे तो आपका नेटवर्थ बढ़ना भी शुरू हो जाएगी:

१) अगर आप हिसाब लिख सकते हो तो पिछले ३ महीने में आपने कहाँ कहाँ पैसे ख़र्च किए हैं उसका हिसाब लिखो।हर कुछ चाय, कॉफ़ी, कपड़े, यात्रा, बाहर का खाना, क़र्ज़ की इन्स्टॉल्मेंट, सब कुछ।
२) फिर एक सोच बनाएँ की आप अपनी कमाई का कम से कम १०% हर महीने बचत कैसे कर सकते हैं।
३) अगर नहीं कर सकते तो ३-६ महीने की योजना बनाओ और कम से कम १०% बचत करना शुरू करो।
फिर देखो २-३ सालों में आपकी आय भी बढ़ेगी, ख़र्चा भी कम होगा और बचत भी रहेगी। नेटवर्थ तो पॉज़िटिव होनी ही है।

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Take Off

I was badly stuck in my life. There were problems, but there were no answers coming. It felt like a never-ending road.

I went to my father for advice. Without giving ears to what I was going through, he said ‘take off.’

Both figuratively and literally, take. Off.

Take off in the direction of your dreams.

Take off and explore the world because getting out of your comfort zone will help you find your voice, your values, and the very things that make you you.

Take off over that hypothetical ledge, because you’ll be surprised at how much you’re capable of.

The rest is history — whenever I get stuck, I remember what my father advised, and I take off without thinking too much about where it will land.

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Just move forward

You don’t lack creative ideas, you lack the focus to move forward

He asked, “I see there seems to be a mysterious conspiracy in favor of our competitors and it seems I am just unlucky.”

I replied, “To maximize the probability of success, it is imperative to set yourself up with an environment where you can focus on your goals and eliminate paths that push you to easily allow you to quit. Most things don’t show up the results because we quit at 90%.”

I must tell you, “Just move forward. It just needs one push with full focus and force.”

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Axe the ignorance

“Instead of saying “I don’t have time” try saying “it’s not a priority,” and see how that feels. Often, that’s a perfectly adequate explanation. I have time to iron my sheets, I just don’t want to. But other things are harder.

Try it: “I’m not going to edit my resume, because it’s not a priority.” “I don’t want to go to the doctor because my health is not a priority.”

If these phrases don’t sit well, that’s the point. Changing our language reminds us that time is a choice. If we don’t like how we’re spending an hour, we can choose differently.”

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Destiny or destination?

Just don’t let your doubts get the better of you when faced with inescapable situations

There are times in life when you question whether you have what it takes to be successful and times when you question whether all your sacrifices are worth it. In my dictionary there is only one answer – “Giving up is not an option.”

You won’t get the response from your potential customers, your team will fail at delivering projects on time, you’ll face customer dissatisfaction, you’ll get caught up in day to day, etc. etc.
These and there are several other inescapable situations in the life that keeps coming in the life.

In year 2008 when the world was struggling to fight the financial meltdown and depression, a legendary businessman opined me, “Whenever faced with the tough spot, my philosophy is to bow the head and let the storm pass by. Tomorrow will be another day and that would be mine.”

Recently, I came to know about the eagle, which has capability to fly at the highest length. When faced with the storm, an eagle goes at the top of the storm, floats there and allows the storm to pass underneath.

When I started up my entrepreneurial journey in 2010, I had a plan to leapfrog the success using my talent, skills, expertise and personal magic.

However, when inside the game the experience has been very different.

I believe the fun lies in being there and being around instead of mingling too much about the “destiny or destination”.

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Location, location, and location

I was thrown a question:

Two people with relatively equal skills, graduated from same college, both were class toppers, both has similar domain knowledge, both know how to use their tools effectively – yet one still does better than other; one flourishes while the other strugles. Why so?

I remember, I was once told, only three things to consider when starting a new business—location, location, and location.

I thought on this a bit deeper about the location factor. In other words, not about “Where are you going to do?” but “Where are you going to be?”

Are you going to be in a place called fear, or in a place called love? Where are you —and where are you coming from—as you encounter life? Now, in the example of the two equally qualified workers, one is successful and the other is not, the real reason, I found;

One person is being open, friendly, caring, helpful, considerate, cheerful, confident, even joyful in his work, while the other is being closed, distant, uncaring, inconsiderate, grumpy, even resentful of what he is doing. Now suppose you were to select, what if you were to select between these two? What then would be your experience?

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How to turn dreams into reality with wisdom, devotion and action?

Like me, have you ever wondered why some people turn their dreams into reality while many others keep saying that dreams are not meant to be true?

The difference lies largely in how you apply the wisdom, devotion and action. 

This has been shown pretty well in Ramayana and helps me rewire my brain.

Kaushalya, mother of God Ram, was an embodiment of wisdom. Throughout her life, she conducted herself wisely and enlightened life.

Sumitra, the mother of Lakshman, was full of devotion. She handed over Lakshman for Ram’s service and never demanded anything for herself.

Kakayi, the mother of Bharat, was an action-oriented person. Her actions were misguided as she went into the company of Manthara, and influenced by her ill-will, she demanded the fulfilment of her two boons to send Ram to the forest for 14 years of exile.

Spending one minute focusing on this prompt: “Whatever you are doing right now, is it aligned with the right wisdom, devotion and action? 

Is it what will wake you up tomorrow, will take you where you want to be next year, how others will see you, and what your life will look like?”

Just one minute of reflection will align your thinking, feeling and action the way your best self would for converting your dreams into reality.

Sounds like work! Try it.

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