The truth reveals itself to those who are truthful to the self
Satyakama, a young man, reached the hermitage of Sage Gautam. He had a desire to know the Brahma and wanted to know the truth.
He bowed his head on the feet of the sage Gautam and pleaded,” Oh; Great Sage, I have come in search of truth. Be kind to me and teach me the knowledge of Brahma. I am blind and I want light.”
The Rishi asked him:” Son, what is your Gotra? Who is your Father? What is his name?”
That young man did not know his father. Nor did he know his Gotra. He went to his mother, asked her and returned. And what his mother told him he repeated to the Gautam.
He said:” God! I neither know my Gotra nor do I know my father’s name. My mother also does not know my father. I asked her, and then she said that she was playing with many respectable persons in her youth and used to please them. She does not know from whom I was born. The name of my mother is Jabali. Therefore I am Satyakama Jabali. She has asked me to tell you this!
The simple true self-introduction by Satyakama deeply impressed Sage Gautam. He embraced that young man and said:” My dear, you are definitely a Brahmin. So much faith in truth is the very symptom of a Brahmin. You will definitely be able to find the Brahma because to him who has the courage to be true to himself, truth itself will come searching at his doors”.