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Live Well

A real happiness is certain when you aim to attain the liberation

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2.15, the God Krishna says, “That person who is not disturbed by happiness and distress and is steady in both situations is certainly eligible for liberation.”

A diseased person happily consumes bitter medicine with the hope that it will help him get cured. A person opts for painful surgery to remove a specific organ/object from his body to live better. Likewise, the distressful situation should be considered the pathway to happiness. This understanding alone can bring so much comfort and happiness to everyone’s life.

Our whole life has become a struggle to possess material objects that can please our senses and provide illusory comforts. Every moment, we are in a war-like situation to accumulate material objects that can bring pleasure—that big car, house, comfort, lavish lifestyle, etc. The more we get habitual of these, the more distressed we become. And once we are trapped in the net, it’s never-ending situation. 

Recently, I was told by the son of a billionaire that he wants to buy a studio apartment and wishes to live a simple and ordinary life.

True happiness comes with the realisation that nothing is permanent. The happiness of being a millionaire is only until you live in a society of poor people. Then, you move to a society of billionaires, and being a millionaire will be a painful experience. Your state of happiness changes based on the lens through which you look at life.

Liberation is felt only when you use your material possessions for the right purpose and when your capacities and capabilities are used to help the needy. You choose to live life within the necessities rather than being surrounded by self-pleasing objects and comforts. You are bound to suffer the biggest distress—the complete waste of life in trying to gain pleasure while swimming against the flow of the river.

A real happiness is certain when you aim to attain the liberation Read More »

The learned neither laments for the dead nor the living

Bhagwad Gita Chapter 2, verse 11, God Krishna says to Arjuna, “You are mourning for those not worthy of sorry; yet speaking like one learned. The learned neither laments for the dead nor the living.”
The root cause of our pain is categorising worldly matters between “MINE”and “OTHERS”. We have divided everything around us into these; it’s my family, and that’s not my family, it’s’s my creed, and that’s not my creed; it’s my re not my cast, religion, and that’s not my religion, my cast and that. But in truth, we are all connected, part of the same whole.
Then, we develop emotions, feelings, desires, and expectations based on what we think is mine. This emotional attachment causes fear, greed, infatuation, worries, and tensions when we do not see ours in the frame we want to see it.

The learned neither laments for the dead nor the living Read More »

Finding the focus in the distracted world

“For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends, but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.” Bhagavad Gita 6.6

Passion is an important quality that helps us dream with open eyes, wake up every morning, and get out to go and do things to realise our dreams, visions, and goals. But, when surrounded by so many distractions, pursuing the passion with the focus is difficult. On many occasions, caught between these distractions, you can’t go with the flow to get important things done. Your days, weeks, and months pass, living in an uncertain terrain, feeling victimised.

My journey has involved embracing a morning walk, meditation, reflection techniques, and reading books to strengthen my conviction and draw inspiration. These help me maintain my focus.

I have learned that you must discover your strengths and focus on developing them rather than pondering your weaknesses. For example, if I am good at creating products/services, I should strengthen my thinking, innovation, and brainstorming skills. 

The other thing that helps me keep moving is actively seeking opportunities to explore my aptitude in different/adjacent fields that complement my strengths. It’s like a side project that offers an opportunity to strengthen your core.

Another key realisation has been the importance of not spreading myself too thin. Instead of trying to excel in every area, I’ve learned to rely on others who can complement my strengths. We all have unique abilities, and by focusing on our strengths, we can surpass the capabilities of generalists.

With these, the only things left for me to focus on are managing my thoughts, applying my strengths with full focus to get things done, and pursuing stability that will lead to the path and outcome that I desire.

God Krishna meant to say to Arjuna that this is about the mind and achieving results with focus.

Finding the focus in the distracted world Read More »


Your spirit is the same as mine, and therefore, there is no difference between you and me.

I welcome the place where you and I meet. My energy salutes the energy within you.

I recognise the divine power that dwells in your heart.

NAMASTE 🙏 Read More »

Whether to choose heartful or powerful

You have often faced the dilemma of choosing between a heartfelt person (embodying intellect, compassion, creativity, and maturity) and a powerful one (possessing money, power, personality, and social status). Arjuna faced this very choice during the preparations for the war of Mahabharata.

When given the option, Duryodhana chose the Narayani Sena, the army of well-equipped warriors trained under Lord Krishna’s leadership, valuing their worldly power. Arjuna, on the other hand, chose the unarmed Lord Krishna, valuing his divine wisdom and guidance.

The heart of a person who seeks God’s strength is truly strong because divine strength is real. Conversely, the heart of a person who seeks worldly power is weak because worldly strength is ultimately an illusion.

So, whom will you choose?

Whether to choose heartful or powerful Read More »

The relationship with you that God wants to extend to you

He wants you to think of him as your father, mother, brother and a friend.
He wants to be the voice that steers through every situation,

The peace that sets your heart rest in trouble and the power that holds you up in the storm.

He is closer than your dearest friend and more faithful than any other person you’ve ever known.

Just instill your mind in him and weave maintain that connection with him.

The relationship with you that God wants to extend to you Read More »

If You Say It You Must Mean It

Far too often you hear the dialog of the Salman Khan movie, “Ek baar jo maine commitment kar di, fir main apne aap ki bhi nahi sunta”.

Similarly, the value of Raghukul(Lord Ram dynasty) was to fulfill the commitments even if it is at the cost of your life.

Most often we fail to think deeply about our values, our uniqueness and what differentiates us from others, and we simply flounder when we have to present our values in an articulated manner.

There is nothing else that can make you more valuable than you present what you say and what you mean closer to each other.

If You Say It You Must Mean It Read More »

तश्मै श्री गुरूवे नमः

बंदउ गुरु पद कंज कृपा सिंधु नररूप हरि । महामोह तम पुंज जासु बचन रबि कर निकर ॥५॥

बंदउ गुरु पद पदुम परागा । सुरुचि सुबास सरस अनुरागा ॥

अमिय मूरिमय चूरन चारू । समन सकल भव रुज परिवारू ॥

सुकृति संभु तन बिमल बिभूती । मंजुल मंगल मोद प्रसूती ॥

जन मन मंजु मुकुर मल हरनी । किएँ तिलक गुन गन बस करनी ॥

श्रीगुर पद नख मनि गन जोती । सुमिरत दिब्य दृष्टि हियँ होती ॥

दलन मोह तम सो सप्रकासू । बड़े भाग उर आवइ जासू ॥

उघरहिं बिमल बिलोचन ही के । मिटहिं दोष दुख भव रजनी के ॥

सूझहिं राम चरित मनि मानिक । गुपुत प्रगट जहँ जो जेहि खानिक ॥

गुरु चरण वंदनीय हैं क्योंकि उनके वचन सुरुचिपूर्ण, सुगंध तथा अनुराग रास से पूर्ण हैं। गुरु सञ्जीवनी बूटी हैं जो सारे भवरोगों के परिवार का नाश करते हैं। गुरु वंदनीय हैं क्योंकि मुश्किल की घडी में जब कोई उपाय नहीं सूझ रहा हो तो उनके स्मरण मात्र से हृदय में दिव्य दृष्टी उत्पन्न हो जाती है जिससे अज्ञानरूपी अंधकार का नाश हो जाता है।

गुरु वंदनीय हैं क्योंकि संसार में जो दुःख दोष रूपी रात्रि है उसमें उनके ज्ञान के प्रभाव से नेत्र खुल जाते हैं जिससे मार्ग प्रशस्त दिखने लगते हैं।

गुरु वंदनीय हैं क्योंकि उनके चरण धूल उस अंजन के तरह है जिसे लगाने से पर्वतों, वनों, और पृथ्वी के गुह्य से भी गुह्य रहश्य अपने आप प्रकट होने लगते हैं।

तश्मै श्री गुरूवे नमः Read More »

Why I think parenting has never got its true meaning?

When Aswathama visits his father Dronacharya to seek his opinion on fighting the war under the leadership of Karna, Dronacharya refuses saying, “I was never agreeable to fight the war, but I did because you were here for your friendship and I am with you wherever you are because I love you my child.”

Is parenting such a mess thing that just because you have given birth to a child and raised him, you’d go all out to support even when your principles and moral does not support? 

While we enjoy being parent of a child and every day we have to make a decision about whether we are going to be a wife or a mother, a husband or a father. In fact many times during the day you have to make those decisions. And you have to co-opt a lot of people to help you. We co-opted our families to help us. We plan our lives meticulously so we can be decent parents.

But if you ask our kids, I’m not sure they will say that we’ve been a good parent. I’m not sure. And I have seen many parents whose wet eyes wear a kind of dryness coping with the fact that their dutifulness of parenting is not even distantly acknowledged…

Why I think parenting has never got its true meaning? Read More »

What I have learned about the job, friends, walking, traveling, yoga and art

– Every job is a self portrait of the person who does it, autograph your job with excellence

– F.R.I.E.N.D.S Fight for you. Respect you. Include you. Encourage you. Need you. Deserve you. Stand by you.

– For one minute, walk outside, stand there, in silence, look up at the sky, and contemplate how amazing life is

– Travel doesn’t become an adventure until you leave yourself behind

– Yoga is not about touching your toes, it’s what you learn on the way down

– Art is you being free from all the worlds heaviness

What I have learned about the job, friends, walking, traveling, yoga and art Read More »

Do you mice or hunt for antelope everyday

Do you spend your every day chasing mice or hunting antelope?

You know that a lion can capture, kill and eat mice as well. But, I guess, it turns out that the lion knows the energy required to chase mice exceeds caloric content it will get from the mice and someday the lion will die of starvation.

But, a lion always looks out for capturing an Antelope in spite of it requiring more speed, strength and effort because once hunted Antelope provides enough meat and feast to the lion to relish it.

I was advised on these lines  by someone today and I found it greatly valuable. So, I am asking you this,

“Find out where you are spending all your time and burning all your energy? Is it to chase mice or hunt for Antelope? Are you going to die of starvation or relish the feast?”

Ask yourself..

Do you mice or hunt for antelope everyday Read More »

May you live soulful

When two souls fall in love, there is nothing else but the yearning to be close to the other. The presence that is felt through holding hand, whispering sound, smile, or through a hug.

Souls do not have calendars, or clocks, nor do they understand the notion of time or distance. They only know it feels right to be with one another.

This is the reason why you miss someone so much when they are not around you. Even if that person is in another room, you miss. Its probably like this because soul only feels absense not separation.

May you live soulful Read More »

Don’t lose faith when Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick

Everyday we are faced with hurdles, obstacles, hatred, comparisons, judgements and the worldly matters turning exactly opposite of our desires.

The most health freak person has suffered and died of cancer or heart attack. The most profound devotee has gone through the biggest mess. The most trusted lovers have suffered the heartache. 

The need of the hour is to realize that there’s going to be hurdles, curse and heartache- but if you stay with your faith you will draw the courage to fight it out, you will get the wisdom to get the idea to recover and you will find the strength to stand tall.

The only urge here is that when you get hit in the head, you may not visualize it, but your life is going exactly the way it should be. Keep going. Keep faith.

Don’t lose faith when Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick Read More »

United to God you become immortal

You’d have seen dewdrops on the grass leaf. As soon as it faces the morning sunlight, it evaporates, and its existence gets lost. But, when the same dewdrop falls into the sea and merges there with the sea, it retains its state.

There is a significant similarity between the dewdrops relationship with the sea and ours with God. To forget God is to miss the whole purpose of your existence. One who’s ever experienced a tiny moment of godliness will give away all the material pleasures of the world.

The great sages are not the fool that they chose to give up the material world to live in the supreme existence of God. And then the matter of material disturbances are just the matter – the profit or loss, life or death, appreciation or blemish – they may just make you feel helpless momentarily but, you will always live protected under God’s heavenly security.

You attain a happy state of mind, a state that is untouched by the events of daily life.

That joy will be so permanent that even the fear of death won’t shake you. How could Jesus say, in the face of crucifixion, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

United to God you become immortal Read More »

सावधान सावधान सावधान

एक शिष्य ने मास्टर से आग्रह किया “आप मेरे लिए सबसे ज्ञानपूर्ण शब्द लिख दीजिये।”

मास्टर ने पेन उठाई और एक शब्द लिख दिया “सावधान”

शिष्य ने कहा “बस इतना ही” मास्टर ने फिर लिख दिया “सावधान। सावधान।”

शिष्य थोड़ा खीझ गया “यह इतना महत्वपूर्ण है ऐसा मुझे नहीं लगता।” मास्टर ने जवाब दिया “सावधान। सावधान। सावधान।”

निराशाभरे स्वर में पूछा “सावधान का यहाँ मतलब क्या है?” मास्टर ने उत्तर दिया “सावधान माने सावधान ही होता है.”

अगर जितना है तो अपने मन, बल और बुद्धि को काबू में करिये और फिर देखिये आप सांसारिक कार्यों को कितने आसानी से जीतते हैं। अपने अंतर्मन के खेल को सिर्फ सावधानी से सावधानी पूर्वक सावधान रहते हुए ही जीतें।

सावधान सावधान सावधान Read More »