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Live Well

Tear off the Curtain

Gauri Sarin quoted Sadguru, “Life must not be a Pursuit of Happiness but an Expression of Joy.” This got me into thinking – when we all know that joy is so much wonderful and we know that it’s possible then why do we put a delusory curtain to victimize the self in misery?

It’s said that happiness and misery are divided by a curtain of illusion. It’s like you know that the ray of morning sun is blissful yet you put the curtain to get the darkness in your bedroom to continue sleeping. The illusory curtain is very attractive and pleasant. The sleeping person is consummated under the influence that nothing is going to change by him loosing his sleep as things are going to happen in its own time.

On the other side when you experience the sun rising, the first ray of sun on your face, the fresh morning air, the bird chirping or you can get your work done without distractions – you will find that you have been missing so much. You have lost so much of bliss experiences and you have lost valuable time that would have helped shape your life so much better.

To experience joy you need to tear off the illusory curtain that is blocking the joy to appear in your life. Tear off the curtain so that you can experience the sunshine, tear off the curtain so that you can feel the bliss. Sit quietly and experience the peace and you’d never want to go back to the darkness again. Once you tear off the curtain and experience the joy you’d never return back. Om Joy!

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How to avoid the costly mistakes and get out of it

Today we are living in a world in which keeping our relevance is kind of a way too chaotic. The ‘surplus society’ has a surplus of similar
people, with similar educational backgrounds, coming up with similar ideas, producing similar things, with similar prices and similar quality. It looks an ideal terrain of no choices, but to keep juggling between a dozen of challenges seeking our attention and draining our energies.

The way to survive and thrive is to act like classical heroes, who are called upon to undertake a quest, and must journey into the unknown along uncertain paths, facing obstacles and difficulties. But thanks to their powerful initial calling, they persist and become heroes when they reach their goal. You need to act with your heroic trait and get through these passing obstacles to turn them into the opportunity.

1) Discover your true calling, acquire the skills and hone your talent so that you can accomplish your vision
2) Ensure that you keep following the path and no draggers and braggers steal you away from your core values
3) Upgrade your capabilities to stay relevant with the market reality. Nothing other than heavenly pleasure is attained while living in the silos
4) Mistakes and failures happen. Learn from it, respond rapidly and take the first step towards the road to recovery.

In this storm, it would be useful to have a compass that clearly indicates priorities, and discover the approaches that will work for you. This way you will avoid the mistakes others have made, that have led them to distress.

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कामना को इस जगत में तुम्हारा सबसे बड़ा शत्रु जानो

श्रीकृष्ण कहते हैं:
“यह कामना रजोगुण में उत्पन्न हुई है यही क्रोध है इसकी भूख बहुत बड़ी है और यह महापापी है इसे ही तुम यहाँ (इस जगत् में) शत्रु जानो।”

अर्थशास्त्री कहते हैं कि आवश्यकता अविष्कार की जननी है और यह एक हद तक ठीक भी है लेकिन यह आवश्यकता हमारी कामना में बदल जाती है। कामना पूर्ति की इच्छा इतनी हावी हो जाती है कि हम उसे पूरा करने के लिए छल, कपट, क्रोध, बेमानी, इत्यादि करने में भी हिचक महसूस नहीं करते।

अक्सर हमारे दुखों का कारण वह वस्तु नहीं है जो हमारे पास है बल्कि वह है जो हमारे पास नहीं है। तो आज आप अपने कामनाओं की लिस्ट बनाइये और फिर उनमें से आवश्यकताएँ कौन सी है और कामनाएँ कौन सी उनका पहचान कीजिए। कामना रूपी सत्रु ने किसी को भी सुखी नहीं किया है तुलसीदास भी मानस में कहते हैं “काम अछत सुख सपनेहुँ नाहीं”।

कामना को इस जगत में तुम्हारा सबसे बड़ा शत्रु जानो Read More »

My Take on Patanjali Yoga Sutra

I am glad that tomorrow is International Yoga Day and I am also grad that this most ancient and scientific approach towards living a holistic life is gaining the momentum. I thought of throwing some lights on the Patanjali yoga. It aims to delve one into the path of uniting the self with the supreme one.

Patanjali’s narratives in Yoga Sutras are fantastically arranged and brilliantly captured tools for us to attain consciousness through the unison of mind, body and soul. Consciousness is the state in which on does not get agitated facing the misery, free from material attachment, affection, fear and anger. Such person is also called as a “Sage of Steady Wisdom”

Sutra literally means a thread — or like a formula. To simplify, though you may possess beautiful flowers and desire to wear a garland, but you cannot make a garland without a thread. Also you cannot wear a thread alone and claim of wearing a garland. Our body is like flower and our mind is like thread. We need to unite it together to make our soul become like a beautiful garland.
The thread is instilled in us and we are given complete freedom to make our own garland. You can put flowers, or beads, or pearls, or diamonds. The goal of human life is to creating the bonding between thread and flowers to attain conscious.

The Yoga Sutras is not tied to any concept. It is open to the pursuers to read it, understand it and adopt it the way one finds it suitable. Only certain governing principles have been provided. The principles of Yoga Sutra have no meaning to the reader unless one practices it and experiences the benefits.
The first aphorism “Atha Yoganushasanam” means Yoga of Discipline. The right kind of discipline, schooling is required for us to develop unwavering mind control.

“Yoges chitta vritti nirodhah.”  One needs to control totally the mind from thoughts, feelings, and emotions. These emotions creates the disturbances and these disturbances destabilises us every moment. Both body and mind are prone to these disturbances. Yoga Sutra provides the method of physical exercises for conditioning the body for unison and control techniques like Pranayama and Meditation for mind.

This is the broader understanding that I have gained reading, learning, and practicing it for over 3 decades. Let me know what you feel.

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As if, today isn’t my day

So whatever I do, I do it well. Yet, there are days when I feel disappointed, unable to let the factor of chaos stop affecting me.

I am reminded of my father telling me that when you face the chaos; if you allow it to affect you then you are a fly blowing along with the wind but, if you allow it to pass by then you’re the spider.

I am going to stay like a spider, and I know there will be more chances. I just have to go about like I knew it was going to happen.

That’s how I am going to become the greatest version of myself.

As if, today isn’t my day Read More »

Thanks Goodness it’s Father’s Day!

The other day, I overheard Mahesh Bhatt on the radio saying, “Today’s generation is gone far ahead of us. What Alia has achieved at age 24, I’d not get there where I was 40.” It certainly made me feel proud about Alia and Mahesh Bhatt.

I have had the opportunity to interact with over 20000 young adults in the past two years through my program on entrepreneurship and employability. I have ended up being more convinced that though they have more ‘exposure’ about the life and the world around them than us(parents), but they are extremely confused, disoriented, disconnected and illusory about life’s realities. 

I guess most parents are spending more money and much less time. I guess parents are into the race to provide material luxury rather than character building. I guess parents feel having a college degree alone solves most of the problem.

I guess fatherhood has become a societal obligation rather than the joyous endeavour.

I want to remind you of the fatherly responsibility of raising a well mannered, responsible, reliable and sociable child and not a mere existence.

I remember a friend saying, “Freedom is fine, but whom do you want to see entering your home – a drunk, spoilt, misbehaved, abusive and arrogant person?”
Happy Father’s Day! Tomorrow will be just an another day…

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To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves

Mahatma Gandhi said, “To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves.” Recently I along with my family went for an early morning Nature Trail at Lavasa and amid peace and silence we walked for several kilometres, watched plants and heard the sound of bird chirping.

After a few hours when we left the garden, it felt like we filled our bodies with the volume of oxygen which we might otherwise have breathed in a month.

What made this so soulful?

I remember my father used to say that farming is the most humble of tasks: “Your head is always bowed and sometimes you have to go down on your knees.”

While poised in this most humble of postures, we begin to work in parallel with God in the creation of the greater world and universe.

Although God’s dimension is infinite and eternal while ours is contained and immediate, we, nevertheless, enter into the same act of creation: to produce, to make life.

To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves Read More »

सुन रहा है ना तू रो रहा हूँ मैं

सामान्यतः हमें दो राह दिखते हैं – एक जिसमें हम क्षणिक भोग विलास के वस्तुओं के उपलब्धता को श्रेस्ठ लक्ष्य समझते हैं और दूसरी जिसमें हमारी ज़िंदगी एक समग्र लक्ष्य की प्राप्ति के ऊपर केन्द्रित रहती है।

क्योंकि हम मार्केटिंग ड्रिवेन वातावरण में जीते है तो भोग विलास के वस्तुओं पर हमारी लालसा ज़्यादा रहती है और अक्सर हम सभी इसके चार दुस्परिणामों से ग्रसित रहते हैं।

१) अभाव – हमारे आस पास एक अभाव की भावना फैली हुई है। धन न होने का अभाव, अच्छी शिक्षा न होने का अभाव, भाग्यवान न होने का अभाव, सामाजिक और सांसारिक वातावरण के अनुकूल न होने का अभाव, आदि आदि।

२) ठहराव – हम भाग तो रहे है लेकिन एक तरह से ठहर से गए हुए हैं। हमें लगने लगा है की कुछ भी होने वाला नहीं है। संसार में सबकुछ गड़बड़ और हमारे विपरीत हो गया है।

३) पथराव – अभाव और ठहराव से ग्रसित हमारी मानसिकता पथराव के ऊपर झुकने लगी है। हम कीचड़ उछालने में ज़्यादा समय व्यतीत करने लगे हैं।आज आप सोशल मीडिया देखिए हरेक आदमी बुराई, दुर्वयबहार और अश्लील भाषा में बातें करने लगे है। सदाचार काम और दुराचार का बोलबाला सब ओर फैल रहा है।

४) प्रभाव – हम अपने आपको गाहे बेगाहे प्रभावित करने की होड़ में शामिल कर लिए है। हरेक मौक़े पर अपनी बड़प्पन और अपने औक़ात की तरफ़ करने लगते हैं। अंदर से एकदम से ख़ाली पर बाहर से ज़ोर का ढिंढोरा जैसे की “सुन रहा है ना तू रो रहा हूँ मैं ।“

सुन रहा है ना तू रो रहा हूँ मैं Read More »

Four things that cause empty fatigue and gratifying exhaustion

SCARCITY: We are always into this feeling that we don’t have the time, money, resources and intellect to do the things that can lead us to realize our dreams.

STANDSTILL: We spend most of our time indecisively standing at the crossroad contemplating where to go and what to do.

STONE-PELTING: We become emotionally bankrupt and start throwing up at others out of anger, desperation, frustration, and disappointment. But, to stay relevant, our dreams and to live for the purpose requires us to;

EFFECT: Applying our assets in a way that exceeds the market reality to make our aspirations real.

If not now, when?

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Tips for designing a better life

You can design a better life, if you only remember these few things…

Remember that you are a designer of your life.

To be a designer of your life, you must think about your life plan as a designer – what is your desirability to reap tangible and strategic outcomes.

Listen to you, people and the environment to find the inspirations that will be like a dewdrop to invoke your own intuition, creativity and confidence.

Remember that Not knowing is just fine

Awaken your genius within to learn, experiment, risk and have the attitude to feel “alright” even when you fail. Trust that one day you’ll be a perfect, fine and profoundly expert in your act.

Remember that being optimistic is like being alive
Whatever is not in your reach today is your opportunity to get tomorrow.

When you self-doubt, it’s better to start with “What if?” instead of wondering about “What’s wrong?” Believe and burst yourself for a better future

Remember that you can beat by going out and getting done.

Don’t ponder over things. Don’t procrastinate. Pull yourself out of your comfort zone. Go out of the building and learn from the world.

Everywhere around the wisdom is awaiting for you to come and learn.
Welcome the new, always.

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Either make meaning or move out

कुसुमस्तबकस्येव द्वयी वृत्तिर्मनस्विन:।
मूर्ध्नि वा सर्वलोकस्य विशीर्येत वनेऽथवा॥

Flower withers when it cannot scent so is the self-respecting man – they either make meaning or move out

You’d have heard of saying – “Man of Steel break but not bend”. That’s true with the man with high morale and self-respecting nature.

If you are not making your meaning in a particular situation rather than feeling humiliated, get relieved from it.

If you are not able to put your point across, get an amicable exit from the argument.

If you have to conduct yourself being compromised by your  guiding principles and values, better move out.

Bless yourself everyday a soulful day!

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क्या आप धार्मिक हैं?

यतो अभ्युदयनिःश्रेयससिद्धिः स धर्मः। (कणाद, वैशेषिकसूत्र, १.१.२)
धर्म वह मार्ग है जिस पर चलकर हमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक उन्नति एवं कल्याण की प्राप्ति होती है।
धर्म कोई उपासना पद्घति नहीं बल्कि जीवन-पद्घति है।
धर्म दिखावा नहीं, दर्शन है
यह प्रदर्शन नहीं, प्रयोग है।
यह मनुष्य को आधि, व्याधि, उपाधि से मुक्त कर सार्थक जीवन प्रदान करने वाली औषधि है।
धर्म वह विज्ञान है जिससे स्वयं द्वारा स्वयं की खोज कर सकते है।
धर्म, ज्ञान और आचरण की खिड़की खोलता है।
यह आपको को पशुता से मानवता की ओर प्रेरित करता है।
अनुशासन का अनुशरण ही धर्म है।
हृदय की पवित्रता ही धर्म का वास्तविक स्वरूप है।
धर्म का सार जीवन में संयम का होना है।

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ONE habit to progress to the next level

Have you lately felt like left out? Outdated? Inadequate? Incompetent?

If your subconscious said “YES” read on to regain your lost ground yet again developing the habits of consistent progress.

Tonight, before you go to bed, make a list of 3 important actions you could take to recreate yourself.

Set your alarm clock to wake up 30 minutes earlier and jump out of your bed to get started learning/doing things that can help you get to the next level to accomplish the planned activities for 30 minutes. You will build an inner urge to work further to finish the activity.

Repeat this habit for 2 days then 7 days, then 30 days and then its part of your daily habits.

Creating consistent progress just takes some effort to get going. But once you make it a habit, you’ll never look back.

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That only the constant striving for perfection  can make you wise

As a nature your mind is fluid in nature as you are heavily influenced by the sense organs of smell, taste, touch, sight, sound and mind.

You are craving for flowery smell, tasty and delicious food, visual pleasure, praiseful hearings and sense of peace and happiness.

Only way to make yourself unaffected by these material pleasures is to constantly keep yourself engaged in search of the knowledge and constant practice of your action that will lead you to be wise person.

That only the constant striving for perfection  can make you wise Read More »