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Live Well

Rabbit vs Wolf

Do you fear obstacles and fear? Do you get scared when you face the confrontation? Do you search for the safe heaven to burrow yourself deep beneath the earth to feel safer and comfortable — you’re very likely possessing the Rabbit nature; always fearing; always running for cover to be safe and live comfortable.
If you are like a Wolf, you’d like to play it far and wide with aggression. Try analyzing yourself to seek whether you possess the brevity to go far and beyond to accomplish whatever you wish rather than remaining in the safety net.
Rabbit vs. Wolf discovery will help you find whether you are a seemingly timid person whose life philosophy is to avoid trouble or are you a predator whose very stance inspires fear? Are you happy being what you are, or do you harbor a secret desire to change and influence?

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Belief is like a lantern in a blind man’s hand

The lantern in the hand of a blind man is of no use – he cannot see, cannot use, cannot lighten, and the lantern is just a burden to him. Belief is about believing in what others say.
Belief is dangerous – you develop belief out of ignorance. Someone says that there is a God, so you develop a belief in God. Remember when you listen to jokes told by a standup comedian – you laugh because everyone else is laughing without understanding the joke. Belief is like that, you get carried away for belief.
We see the side effects of belief all around us, and then people start succumbing by living in a state of rotten feelings. Like someone says that there is a God, there is a soul, and there is prayer through which you can seek God’s blessings. You believed in God without seeking clarity about it. Please don’t believe in something unless you are convinced about it. If you know that you don’t know, there is a possibility that you may seek and search. Your belief will not even allow you to seek and search because you already think you know.
Remember the scene from the movie Jab We Met – Kareena Kapoor advises Shahid Kapoor to burn and flush out the photo of his broken love. Shahid Kapoor says – “He is feeling better. He is feeling unburdened and relaxed.” You will feel very clean when you throw your beliefs to the fire. It is just a burden. It is not yours; it cannot help. We know what is right, but we do what is wrong. We know anger is bad, and we go on being angry again and again. We know what needs to get done, but we never do it; we do just the opposite.

Belief is like a lantern in a blind man’s hand Read More »

A drop of water fell into the ocean

One day a drop of water fell into the ocean. When it found itself there, it began to weep and complain.
The great ocean laughed at the drop of water. Why do you weep? it asked.”I don’t understand. When you join me, you join all ur brothers and sisters, the other drops of water of which I’m made. You become the ocean itself. If you wish to leave me, you have only to rise up on a sunbeam into the clouds. From there you can descend again, little drop of water, a blessing and a benediction to the thirsty earth.”

A drop of water fell into the ocean Read More »

How to tune into your patience frequency

  • Make list of things that create inconvenience and upsets you
  • Against each of the item write down the level at which you can be pushed before you retaliate or loose your control.
  • Think of the ways by which you can raise the bar of your patience and develop ways to handle these circumstances.
  • Your target should be to attain the level where nothing, absolutely nothing causes you even the slightest shred of annoyance.
  • Imbibing patience is the secret of permanent happiness.

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Only capable hands can realise your true potential

Hanuman possess greatest strength, power, wisdom, ability, and indomitable spirit and all these he put at the feet of Lord Rama. Hanuman did not use for himself. He did not go berserk.
He did not use his talents to promote himself or to dominate over others or to glorify himself.
There was no self in Hanuman.
It was all Ram, Ram, Ram…
Surrender your abilities to capable hands to realize your true potential

Only capable hands can realise your true potential Read More »

Zen Story: First empty your cup

Nan-in, a Japanese master met a university professor who came to inquire about Zen.
Nan-in served tea. He poured until cup full, and then kept on pouring.
The professor kept watching the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. “It is overfull. No more will go in!”
“Like this cup,” Nan-in said, “you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”

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Zen Story: I wish I’d give him this beautiful moon

Ryokan was living in a little hut at the foot of a mountain. One night a thief entered the hut and he was disappointed to find nothing to be stolen.
Ryokan caught the thief–“U’ve come from long distance.You’d not return empty handed. Please take my clothes as a gift.”
The thief was bewildered.He took the clothes and slunk away. Ryokan sat naked watching the moon. “Poor fellow,I wish I’d give him this beautiful moon.”

Zen Story: I wish I’d give him this beautiful moon Read More »

Let fate move on its own path, and you focus on doing what’s your calling

The concept of destiny may be correct, but you don’ rely on it. Brave are those who rely on their singular capabilities to turn the tide in their favor, whatever may be the fate would have decided for it.
God Krishna said, “God does not reward or punish, but the nature does it.” A brick may hit you, but you continue forging ahead confident as if you’ll keep doing what you love to do.nt,” “work hard,” “peddle fast and focus,” as a must for becoming a successful entrepreneur.
It makes you so stressed that you start putting in extra hours, stop caring about your health, and struggle to stay closer to your loved ones.
Don’t kill yourself — you have chosen to become an entrepreneur to create a more meaningful life. If you feel down and out, stop it.
A relaxed body and calm mind boost concentration, attention, decision-making skills, creativity, social skills, and better health and decrease mood fluctuations, stress, anger, and impulsiveness.

Let fate move on its own path, and you focus on doing what’s your calling Read More »

Don’t destroy yourself in the race to win big in life

I used to work usually 12 – 14 hours every day. My father stayed with me for some time. He observed me every day going early to work and returning very late. One day he asked: “Are you running away from me or genuinely, you work so much?”
My wife echoed her opinion saying that I am coming a bit earlier because of my father.
He stated: “Today, you are working hard to make money. Tomorrow you will need to work harder to arrange the money for medical expenses.”
His thoughts changed my lifestyle and working habits forever.
Most people write “think big,” “change the world,” “be prudent,” “work hard,” “peddle fast and focus,” as a must for becoming a successful entrepreneur.
It makes you so stressed that you start putting in extra hours, stop caring about your health, and struggle to stay closer to your loved ones.
Don’t kill yourself — you have chosen to become an entrepreneur to create a more meaningful life. If you feel down and out, stop it.
A relaxed body and calm mind boost concentration, attention, decision-making skills, creativity, social skills, and better health and decrease mood fluctuations, stress, anger, and impulsiveness.

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4 types of people you should not believe what they say

बातुल भूत बिबस मतवारे। ते नहिं बोलहिं बचन बिचारे॥
जिन्ह कृत महामोह मद पाना। तिन्ह कर कहा करिअ नहिं काना॥
बालकाण्ड ११८

“Those who are delirious or mad, those who are possessed and those
who are inebriated, do not talk sense. None should give ear to the ravings of those who have drunk the wine of infatuation.”

Goddess Parvati requests God Shankar to share the story of Ram with her.
God Shankar starts narrating the story of Ram, telling her about whom to consider getting the advice:

Lord Shankar warns her not to consider the advice given by people
1. Who speak or often think crazily because of mental illness,
2. Who has drunk too much alcohol,
3. Whose thought are controlled by an evil spirit,
4. And those who are deeply inflicted with greed, fear, and infatuation.

So now onwards, whenever you consider anyone’s guidance or advice, evaluate the giver’s condition.

Hitting the ceiling means feeling stuck, frustrated, and living every day like there is not enough time.

Try developing these five skills to break through the ceiling and see yourself advance to the next level.

  1. SIMPLIFY – eliminate complexity and reducing everything to the essential.
  2. DELEGATE – free and elevate yourself to do what you are best at and then delegate others to the next best person you know.
  3. PREDICT – choose your path after evaluating the long-term and short-term goals.
  4. SYSTEMIZE – document and follow the process and procedure that will help you achieve your goals.
  5. STRUCTURE – define and organize your team and resources to reduce complexity, improve clarity, communication, and accountability.

4 types of people you should not believe what they say Read More »

5 Skills to Take Your Life and Business to the Next Level

Are you hitting the ceiling?

Hitting the ceiling means feeling stuck, frustrated, and living every day like there is not enough time.

Try developing these five skills to break through the ceiling and see yourself advance to the next level.

  1. SIMPLIFY – eliminate complexity and reducing everything to the essential.
  2. DELEGATE – free and elevate yourself to do what you are best at and then delegate others to the next best person you know.
  3. PREDICT – choose your path after evaluating the long-term and short-term goals.
  4. SYSTEMIZE – document and follow the process and procedure that will help you achieve your goals.
  5. STRUCTURE – define and organize your team and resources to reduce complexity, improve clarity, communication, and accountability.

5 Skills to Take Your Life and Business to the Next Level Read More »

What would your museum say

You must have visited a museum at some or other time. A museum is an organized collection of things someone did over time and then collected the stories and artifacts for you to see. Every time I went inside a museum, it has inspired my interest in an area of study, item, time, period, or idea.

During one of my visits to the museum in Patna, I became so inspired that I decided to write an article about getting a job as museum staff. It turned out to be my first published article in Hindustan Times way back in the year 1990.

Since then, I have been questioning myself repeatedly — what would be in a museum of mine? What moments, experiences, ideas, stories, and artifacts would someone collect and assemble into the museum of my life? What would the museum say about me? What would my life stand for? Would the excellence supersede so large and unique that I would have a museum dedicated to me?

I have pursued the same notion in the works I do in my life and my business. Whenever I conduct a workshop, consult with a client, build a product or write an article, I ask, “What would make my work collectible?”

“What would your museum say?” is a powerful way to set your vision, mission, purpose and value. You can set clear values that show what behaviors, traits, and habits are most important to you and how you would like to measure your successes? Do you clearly understand your purpose by what you see on display? Would you see things you have done that reveal some area of mastery?

What would your museum say Read More »

A tale: God is within us

In the ancient Indian kingdom lived a highly respected sage. The Sage was wise, fearless, knowledgeable, gentle, and endowed with divine nature.

Jealous of his popularity and unfathomable spiritual philosophy, the King sent him a notice to appear in his senate.

The Sage obliged the King’s order. The King said: “You are considered wise and spiritual. You must be knowing all things about God. I have three questions for you. If you don’t provide me with the satisfactory answer to these questions, you will get beheaded on the thirtieth day from today.”

“Here are my questions,” continued the King,
“Where is God?”
“How can I see him?”
“What does he do all the time?”

The Sage was shocked hearing the questions asked by the King. Under stress, he was sleepless, fearful, and feeling helpless. He was unable to answer questions in a way that satisfies the King.

Time passed, but he could not get the answers. On the appointed date, the guards of King took the Sage in custody. The guards brought him to the senate of King for punishment order.

The Sage had a teenage son. Knowing that his father will be ordered punishment, he ran to the palace and put a request to allow him to appear in the senate.

He requested: “Dear King, May I have your permission to answer questions on and behalf of my father with the condition that you’ll release my father if my answers satisfy you?”

He got permission.

The Boy requested a gallon of milk. The King ordered his courtier to bring milk to the senate. Seeing the milk boy said: “May I also request you to order your courtiers to churn the milk into butter?”

The courtiers followed the King’s order to churn the milk into butter.

“Your honor, your first two questions are answered.”

The King objected: “You didn’t answer anything. None of us hear it.”

The son of Sage asked: “Where was the butter before it got churned?”

The King: ” It was present in the milk.”

The Boy: “In what part of the milk?”

The King: “In all of it.”
“As the butter is in all of the milk, God is present in all of us whether dead or alive.”

King asked: “Then, why don’t I see him?”

“You won’t see him until you churn your mind and body through the practices of devotion and meditation.”
He continued: “You have to chant his name, meditate upon him, serve his lotus feet, worship him as per scriptures, prostrate before him, serve him and befriend him. Release my father now.”

“Wait,” the King ordered. “You have not answered my third question yet. What God does all the time?”

The Boy smiled. “To answer the third question, we have to change our places.”

The King vacated his seat to move to the place where Boy was standing. The Boy occupied the throne. Courtiers were amused.

“God at all times lift those who comply with the holy living principles and bring down those who indulge in wrongdoings. He is the source of creation of all beings, he is our supreme savior, and he is responsible for restoring righteousness.”

The King ordered the respectful release of Sage and offered state honor to the young Boy.

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5 Traits That Make You Wildly Hirable

Ideally if you are great at job, you’d be getting a few calls from the recruitment agencies, your previous employers, your ex-bosses or professional references asking you about:
Can I take you for a coffee to discuss an opportunity?
How is the job?
Are you still happy with what you do?
Are you making money?
Did they change the compensation plan on you?
You’ll never believe how good things are going over here.
You have an open invitation to be on my team.

If it’s not happening with you, you may be lacking in these 5 key traits that make you wildly hireable — check it out.

  1. Are you Coachable
    You can absorb new learnings and apply it wherever necessary and applicable.

  2. Are you Curious?
    Your ability to develop understanding through effective questioning and learning.

  3. Do you have prior successes to show?
    Not only the job specific but you championed a college event, played cricket or got recognised for social work.

  4. Are you Intelligent?
    Having the ability to learn complex subject quickly and you are able to explain learned concepts in an easy to understand manner.

  5. What’s your work rules?
    How do you align your personal mission to the company mission with high degree of energy, capacity and leadership.

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Here is the secret to remain forever employable

When I was in my early 20s, I was excited to break into my career that allow me to leverage my skills, interests and market realities.
When I turned 30s, I was paranoid about gaining the seniority, security, salary, and fulfilment.
When I entered into 40s, I am concerned about sustenance, stability, and belongingness.

Through all these career transitions, I can assure you that instead of being excited, paranoid and concerned, I need to ensure that my efforts, career paths, and viability as valuable person of organisation, society, communities and continued disciplines can only make me forever employable.

Here is the secret to remain forever employable Read More »