Why Anger is More Torrent Than Fire and How to Deal With It

This blog is based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 verse 62, Chapter 2 verse 63, Chapter 5 verse 26, Chapter 16 verse 1 – 3, and Chapter 16 verse 21.

Anger, lust, and greed together has created the mess around us. There are more than 4.4 crore pending cases in the court. Wealth inequality is at an all-time high. The incidences of social injustice, crime, hate, corruption, poverty, etc. are prevailing everywhere.

It seems like life is a mess, and no one knows how to take control of it. In this article, I have tried to look into the root cause through the teachings of Bhagavad Gita.

Our body composes of six sensory organs:

Eye to see the material objects.
Ear to hear the sound.
Nose to smell the odor.
Tongue to taste.
Body to feel the touch.
Mind to ponder on mental objects.

They are always in the receptive mode — without anyone directing them to do their respective job, they continuously do their assigned duty.

All of these sensory organs keep sending their observations as well as desires to the mind which causes our mind to dwell on material objects. Eyes dwell for seeing beautiful and pleasing things and people around, ear dwells to hear the pleasing sound, the nose wants to smell fragrances, tongue craves for tasty foods, the body wants caring touches and surrounded by the demands of the body organs it is busy thinking about the way to fulfill the desire of all organs.

Shri Krishna explains the cause and effects of our dwelling on the material object succinctly in the Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 verse 62 and verse 63.

“The person who dwells on the material objects, there arises attachment for them.
Attachment grows hankering.
Hankering springs anger.
From anger arises the delusion.
Delusion causes the bewilderment of memory.
When memory catches the bewilderment intelligence is lost.
When intelligence is lost one further falls down to the greedy material desire.
Chained in the web of material desire the life is lost, the purpose of life is lost and instead of living a happy, healthy, peaceful and joyous life; you end up living sad, mad, stressed and confused.

I want to tell you the story I heard during my childhood.

A man was on tour to see the serene and pilgrimage across the country. The man felt tired and started looking around for a place where he can take rest. He spotted a large tree surrounded by a celestial atmosphere. He decided to rest beneath the tree.

After a while, he felt hungry. He thought what if he is served with delicious food right now. Within a moment delicious full-course meal was present in front of him. He ate the meal.
After eating the meal, he felt the need to sleep well. He murmured “What if there is an arrangement for bed is made for him to sleep.”

A cushioned bed appeared at an instant. He slept on the bed.

After a while, his sleep was disturbed due to cold weather and he felt for a quilt which was also presented to him immediately.

Presented with all the things he wished immediately, he started doubting about it. He thought there may be some demon that would be presenting it all in front of him having the motive to kill him. He got plagued by doubts, fear and suspicion.

He wished “What if demon comes and kills him?” Immediately a demon came and he got killed.

This is what happens to the people. You are born for a purpose, but you get caught in the delusion losing your pearl for a penny.

Habits of People Who doesn’t catch anger and deluded

Let me tell you that you cannot get rid of your anger. However, you can certainly manage it and control it. Here are a few tips for you:

Know your ultimate life goal
Stop living a purposeless life. Sooner than later, realize what life wants from you; You would be much better if you live a life true to yourself.
Always live a balanced life — A balanced life is one where your every day is a mix of doing things for the head (knowledge acquisition), the heart (compassionate to one and all), and the hunger (eating healthy foods).
Shri Krishna says “It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection.”
Your life is made of your own destiny, habits, interests, thoughts, perspectives and life situations. Instead of creating stress and dissatisfaction looking outwardly, it is better to accept wherever you are and whatever you have got.

Relax your body and calm mind with yoga and meditation

Deep breathing and relaxing techniques as prescribed in yoga and meditation, can help calm down angry feelings. Bhagavad Gita has a chapter to teach you about the meditation techniques as well as there are several resources like videos, audio, articles and discourses to teach meditation and yoga to you. Once you learn the techniques and practice it regularly, you can call upon them in any situation. Some simple steps you can try:

Breathe deeply, from your diaphragm; breathing from your chest won’t relax you.
Focus your attention on your forehead above the nostril and place between the eyebrows.
Chant OM or just repeat the phrase like “relax”, “take it easy”. Keep it repeating while breathing deeply.

Some yoga exercises can relax your muscles and make you feel much calmer. Regular practice of these techniques will keep your mind calm to improve your anger management capabilities.

Identify triggers that makes you angry

If you are getting angry way too frequently due to quarrels, bad relationships, bad work-life imbalances, etc. you need to understand the exact triggers of your anger. Once you know the trigger, you need to take actions that will get you out of the rut.

Step away or postpone the things

When you face an uneven situation, it instantly fuels your anger. If you know that some conversation is going to explode your anger, it is better to pre-plan your strategies to tackle it. If you are not getting the right strategy, it is better to postpone it or stay away from it for a while.

Sometimes it helps to set a specific time and place when you can discuss the issue again. Tell people that the issue will indeed be discussed—just at a later time.
By now, you know that anger is the root cause of most evils. If you can realize, relax and practice anger control techniques, you can use your learning to benefit in handling life conditions better.

In the Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 verse 56 Shri Krishna says:

“That monk is called a man of steady wisdom whose mind is unperturbed by sorrow, he is free from longing for delights, and has gone beyond attachment, fear, and anger.”


दुःखेष्वनुद्विग्नमनाः सुखेषु विगतस्पृहः।
वीतरागभयक्रोधः स्थितधीर्मुनिरुच्यते।।2.56।।

ध्यायतो विषयान्पुंसः सङ्गस्तेषूपजायते।
सङ्गात् संजायते कामः कामात्क्रोधोऽभिजायते।।2.62।
क्रोधाद्भवति संमोहः संमोहात्स्मृतिविभ्रमः।
स्मृतिभ्रंशाद् बुद्धिनाशो बुद्धिनाशात्प्रणश्यति।।2.63।।

2.62-2.63 In the case of a person who dwells on objects, there arises attachment for them. From attachment grows hankering, from hankering springs anger.

While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment, lust develops, and from lust, anger arises.

From anger, delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost, one falls down again into the material pool.

कामक्रोधवियुक्तानां यतीनां यतचेतसाम्।
अभितो ब्रह्मनिर्वाणं वर्तते विदितात्मनाम्।।5.26।।

Those who are free from anger and all material desires, who are self-realized, self-disciplined and constantly endeavoring for perfection, are assured of liberation in the Supreme in the very near future.

  1. 1 -3
    अभयं सत्त्वसंशुद्धिर्ज्ञानयोगव्यवस्थिति: |
    दानं दमश्च यज्ञश्च स्वाध्यायस्तप आर्जवम् || 1||
    अहिंसा सत्यमक्रोधस्त्याग: शान्तिरपैशुनम् |
    दया भूतेष्वलोलुप्त्वं मार्दवं ह्रीरचापलम् || 2||
    तेज: क्षमा धृति: शौचमद्रोहोनातिमानिता |
    भवन्ति सम्पदं दैवीमभिजातस्य भारत || 3||

The Blessed Lord said: Fearlessness, purification of one’s existence, cultivation of spiritual knowledge, charity, self-control, the performance of sacrifice, the study of the Vedas, austerity and simplicity; nonviolence, truthfulness, freedom from anger; renunciation, tranquility, aversion to faultfinding, compassion and freedom from covetousness; gentleness, modesty and steady determination; vigor, forgiveness, fortitude, cleanliness, freedom from envy and the passion for honor-these transcendental qualities, O son of Bharata, belong to godly men endowed with divine nature.

त्रिविधं नरकस्येदं द्वारं नाशनमात्मन: |
काम: क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्त्रयं त्यजेत् || 21||

There are three gates leading to this hell-lust, anger, and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul.

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Three Ways to Experience God Based on What You Prefer the Most

Do you think you don’t know how to pray? Here are three ways you can pray to God.

The First is your body; your body is not yours but of God.

Live in the best spiritual and physical condition, eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep to wake up every morning to serve God, and emotional balance to tune up your body to serve God.

A healthy body is the adobe of a healthy soul. When you carry a healthy soul, you attract courage, gallantry, stability, stubbornness, peace, tranquility, high morals, and spirituality.

The Second is your heart; regular prayer with chants and mantras to keep remembering the almighty God.

Whether your motive is to fulfill material desire, liberation, power, holistic evolution, eradication of sufferings, or spiritual progress — you will be gifted with a beautiful heart that touches others.

Chant joyfully calling his name, feeling his presence in everything and every being.
Sing his song praising his kindness and his services, providing us with the essentials of living.
Look at his idol, praising him and thanking him and blessing him to instill goodness, steadfastness, and love forever.

The Third is your soul; continuous meditation, study, and reflection of God’s supreme existence.

If you are oriented more towards meditation than money, if love is more important than the logic to you, if you think the soul is more important than mind and body, power over yourself is more important than power over others — then meditate.

You will not only be able to get rid of anxiety, depression, fear and mental imbalances, but practicing meditation, you will attain self-realization or illumination.

In my view ShriKrishna has explained the most accurate way to meditate in Bhagavad Gita which I have written here How to meditate according to Bhagavad Gita

Three Ways to Experience God Based on What You Prefer the Most Read More »

What if you’ve closed eyes in the World full of possibilities

What if you’ve closed eyes in the World full of possibilities
Anonymous asked, “As soon as I wake up, I see so many problems everywhere. People are suffering from abnormalities, hunger, injustice, and suffering. I don’t know whether the idea of a sunshine day is just a myth.”

I responded, “The World is full of beautiful possibilities everywhere every moment. It’s you who’s stopped by yourself. To make opportunities possible, you need to make a choice and take steps to transform the prospects into real results. It’s time you come out of your fear and impatience to truly go forward, discovering your true potential and all the possibilities.

You have framed yourself inside a wall that only allows you to see the negativity, doubt, and suspicion. It’s like you have caught up with the fever—food served to you is delicious, but it tastes bitter to you because of illness.
Discover your goals. Commit yourself to your goals visually, emotionally, financially, and functionally. Trust the statement of God Krishna, “सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज । अहं त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः ॥
Drop everything and just surrender unto me.”

You will become confident, clear, and ready to see the possibilities and convert it to achieve your life goals.

What if you’ve closed eyes in the World full of possibilities Read More »

How to focus on the important thing

When asked: “How have you been?”
Your usual response would be, “Ahhh… I have been so much busy these days.”
“What is it that keeps you so much busy?”
“Have you got what you always wanted from life?”
“It isn’t going anywhere.”
“Are you happy?”
“Well… It’s quite a difficult thing to be happy these days.”
If you are busy, but you don’t have clear answers, you are doing things without having clarity about your goals, prioritizing what is important to you, and committing your time to do the important stuff.
Wake up now.
You’ve already wasted enough doing the shallow work. It’s time to visually, emotionally, financially and functionally commit to your goals. And I bet that you will feel happy that you did those things vital to you at the end of the day.

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How to meditate according to Bhagavad Gita

Meditation helps you elevate yourself by yourself. With meditation practices properly, you can have control over the mind. Having a controlled mind, you live tranquil in heat and cold, in pleasure and pain, honor and dishonor.

Meditation enhances your knowledge, a better understanding of the self, poise, and control over the senses. You also become impartial towards your companions, friends, enemies, arbitrators, haters, relatives, friends, saints, and sinners.

The meditation should be performed sitting on a firm surface, neither too high nor too low, covered with grass mat or cloth mat and the place must be clean.

Sitting firmly, you should focus your mind on a single object like sensation in your nostril. Whenever your mind starts wandering, please bring it back to the object you are focusing on.

Hold your waist, spine, chest, neck, and head firmly erect, motionless, and steady. Fix the eyes and the mind steady on the point between the eyebrows, and don’t move your eyes.

To achieve the maximum result from the meditation, one should not overeat or sleep too much.

After a while, practicing meditation regularly, you will attain tranquillity of mind. Your mind will be fully absorbed in the self. Your journey to supreme bliss would begin when your mind is tranquil, your desires are under control, and you feel free from sin.

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What do you want from life vs. what life wants from you?

Do you struggle to find the answer to:
“What do I want from life?”
“What should I do to feel the victim of circumstances?”
If you feel demotivated, unsure, aimless, can’t find any work that makes you lose yourself, you’re not alone — most people are in the same boat.

The Hindu value system suggested us an appropriate system to better plan and organise our life based on the life stages. Childhood for study, character-building and living with full celibacy. Adulthood for earning livelihood to earn and maintain family well-being. The sunset years to manage, monitor and mentor children imparting them teaching and guidance to become to acquire knowledge and skills.

Nowadays, people prefer to live in a nuclear family to enjoy the freedom and joint family obligations. “Family first.” is replaced with “Me first.” A while ago, one of my professional acquaintance said, “After years of struggle wh your material desire gets fulfilled, you look back only to discover that you have lost a precious life and time for the fulfillment of your meaningless cravings. You have messed up family values, alienated social fabric, and your self-centered nature starts making you feel more like a curse.”

Knowing why is an essential first step in figuring out how to achieve the goals that excite you and create a life you enjoy living instead of surviving every day. “Why” is not about what you want for yourself but, its purpose is to know the ultimate goals that will wake you every morning. I ask my audiences to invoke their imagination during my workshops by asking, “If you have to write your autobiography today, what is your story?” This thinking alone will get you the motivation needed to rethinking the possibilities to move to a more purpose-driven life.

Begin by writing a few things that you want to make it happen and then actually do it. You will observe that when a clear purpose powers you, there is little you cannot do.

Question I want to leave you with today — What is the thing that helped you to get the best out of you? What helped you discover your true purpose?

What do you want from life vs. what life wants from you? Read More »

What is up to us, What isn’t up to us

Most of us spend our time living worried about things not up to us. It causes us a great deal of frustration, disappointment, and sometimes heartache as well.Most of us spend our time living worried about things not up to us. It causes us a great deal of frustration, disappointment, and sometimes heartache as well.

Lord Ram goes to exile to fulfilling the order of his father. Amused by the order of his father, Bharat asks the sage Vashisth, “Why it happened?” To which Sage Vashisth replied: “Loss and gain, Life and death, fame and infamy are in the hands of the God.”

Look at the list below to know things which are not up to us:
We had no option to choose our birthplace, parents, and whether we wanted to be born or not.
We had no choice to choose the talent which is gifted to each one of us in spite of knowing well that we feel attracted to it and our success greatly depends on our talent.
Each one of us needs lots of luck, yet we cannot choose to be lucky.
Whether we like it or not but we are constantly forced to handle the change in the constantly changing worldly matters such as social structure, political circumstances, and economic affairs.
We have no control over our body and diseases it attracts in spite of living a reasonably good lifestyle.
How people perceive the world and how they make the judgment based on caste, creed, race, social strata, upbringing and the rituals they follow.
Whether we give and take genuine love and compassion to others or not.
Our time on this planet is limited by your birthdate and your death date. Death is certain yet when is fully unpredictable.
We continuously face these worldly matters and unaware of how to handle them, we struggle to handle it.

Here is what God Krishna has told us to deal with the situations that we cannot control.
“The one, whose mind remains unperturbed amid sorrows, whose thirst for pleasure has altogether disappeared, and who is free from passion, fear, and anger, is called stable self.”

God Krishna warns us to keep our mind away from the material frailties of lust, anger, greed, envy, unwanted possession, etc. If our mind is continuously surrounded in the miseries, we stop the contemplation of the positivity, meaningfulness and divine energies that transcend our life. So, stop to allow the mind to hanker for pleasure or lament for miseries. Using meditation we can divert our mind to become situated on the transcendental level.

Lord Ram goes to exile to fulfilling the order of his father. Amused by the order of his father, Bharat asks the sage Vashisth, “Why it happened?” To which Sage Vashisth replied: “Loss and gain, Life and death, fame and infamy are in the hands of the God.”

Look at the list below to know things which are not up to us:
We had no option to choose our birthplace, parents, and whether we wanted to be born or not.
We had no choice to choose the talent which is gifted to each one of us in spite of knowing well that we feel attracted to it and our success greatly depends on our talent.
Each one of us needs lots of luck, yet we cannot choose to be lucky.
Whether we like it or not but we are constantly forced to handle the change in the constantly changing worldly matters such as social structure, political circumstances, and economic affairs.
We have no control over our body and diseases it attracts in spite of living a reasonably good lifestyle.
How people perceive the world and how they make the judgment based on caste, creed, race, social strata, upbringing and the rituals they follow.
Whether we give and take genuine love and compassion to others or not.
Our time on this planet is limited by your birthdate and your death date. Death is certain yet when is fully unpredictable.
We continuously face these worldly matters and unaware of how to handle them, we struggle to handle it.

Here is what God Krishna has told us to deal with the situations that we cannot control.
“The one, whose mind remains unperturbed amid sorrows, whose thirst for pleasure has altogether disappeared, and who is free from passion, fear, and anger, is called stable self.”

God Krishna warns us to keep our mind away from the material frailties of lust, anger, greed, envy, unwanted possession, etc. If our mind is continuously surrounded in the miseries, we stop the contemplation of the positivity, meaningfulness and divine energies that transcend our life. So, stop to allow the mind to hanker for pleasure or lament for miseries. Using meditation we can divert our mind to become situated on the transcendental level.

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My experience with God’s promise fulfillment “I carry what they lack and preserve what they have”

अनन्याश्चिन्तयन्तो मां ये जना: पर्युपासते |
तेषां नित्याभियुक्तानां योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम् || 22||

“One who always think of Me and engage in devotion to Me and whose minds are always absorbed in Me, I provide what they lack and preserve what they already possess.”
Early this week, I and my wife was traveling from Delhi to Mumbai by Rajdhani Express. I slept keeping my mobile and wallet in my trouser’s pocket.

Around 3:30 am when I woke up, I couldn’t find my wallet and mobile in my pocket. I immediately searched for it. The wallet was on the seat but the mobile wasn’t there. I searched everywhere but couldn’t find it.

After a while, I woke up my wife and informed her that my mobile is missing from my pocket. She got worried. She too started searching for it but we couldn’t find it. We dialed the number and it was ringing. However, no one was picking up the phone. My wife was extremely worried as it had important numbers, banking app, etc.

I asked her to go and sleep. I was pretty sure that it has been picked up by someone and there is no chance to get it back. I too went to sleep.
We woke up at around 6:30 am. We again dialled the number but no one was picking up the phone.

My wife advised me to ask the staffs of the train compartment. I called them and asked if they have seen my phone. They said no.

While we were talking about it with fellow passengers, another passenger approached us from the nearby seat. He said, “A Sardar Ji sitting closer to the door found a phone in the night. He asked me to direct the phone owner to him if anyone asks for it.

I immediately rushed to him. He immediately handed over the phone to him. He said, “I was keeping the phone on my seat itself so that if someone calls, I can hand it over to the owner.
Because the phone was in silent mode, he couldn’t hear or see our constant calling.

We thanked him, the God and everyone else who’ve put their efforts in helping me locate the phone.

While getting down from the train, I remembered God’s promise, “Drop everything and surrender unto me. I will take care of what you lack and preserve what you have.”

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This alone shall solve all your problems

A hungry, tired, and empty-handed disciple turns to a monk for help. After carefully listening to the pain of his disciple the monk hands him over a shining object. “This alone shall solve all of your problems provided you reach out to the right person.”

The disciple accepted the object and left the place. After a while, he spotted a farmer and offered the precious stone to him, “I am hungry, tired and empty-handed. It would be kind if you’d buy this shining object from me.”

The farmer looked at the shining object, “It is none of my use but since you are hungry, I can take the grains equal to the weight of the object.”

The disciple instantly remembered the words of the monk and left the place without accepting the offer.

After some travel, he met with a grocery merchant. He approached him, “I am hungry, tired and empty-handed. Would you be able to buy this shining object and in exchange give me money.” The merchant looked at the shining object and he thought that it can help him measure the goods faster. “I can give you sugar equivalent to the weight of the shining object.” The disciple didn’t find the offer exciting and decided to move ahead.

He continued his journey further. He saw a jewelry merchant selling many similar shining objects in his shop. He went near the shopkeeper, “I am hungry, tired and empty-handed. Would you be able to buy this shining object and in exchange give me cash?”

The shopkeeper examined the shining object. He thought that he can use it to make more jewelry and earn more money. He said, “I will give you Rs. 10,000/- in exchange for the precious stone.”
The disciple wasn’t satisfied with the offer. He continued his search for another buyer. After a while, he entered a large diamond shop. He approached the owner, “I am hungry, tired and empty-handed. Would you be able to buy this shining object and in exchange give me money.” The diamond merchant was amused holding in his hand the most expensive and rare diamond.

He made an offer, “Gentleman, you are so lucky to own this precious stone. I don’ have enough money to buy it, but I am happy to offer you a partnership. We will make high-quality diamond jewelry from it and sell it in the market. We will invest the earnings to expand our business to become rich and famous.” The disciple was happy to accept the partnership offer. They started working together and over a period of time, they both became rich and famous.

Whether you are in the job or business, you need to connect and network with the right kind of people who discovers your true value. Then only you can leverage your real potential and achieve your goals.

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Don’t die mad, sad, stressed, confused

During our conversation yesterday, she was sounding tired, hassled and exhausted. I quipped, “Why do you sound like you are excessively tired?”
“Yes, I am. Off late it seems I am surrounded with so many things. My sleep time has reduced to a few hours. I feel like I am working in my sleep too.” Replied she.
Me: “Think that you die in a moment from now. Your dead body is lying on the floor and your soul is looking at your body from up above. What would it say?”
After a momentary pause, I continued “Would it feel proud the way you are treating it inside your body?”
She said, “It is a quite new way to think and take stock of life.”
The question that you should ask: When your efforts are not directed at a cause or a purpose, how do you decide what to do day in and day out?
How do you know what to say no to and what to say yes to?
How do you know when you’ve had enough?
Why you’ve gotten on or off the track which keeps you tired, awake, hassled and hungry?

The answer you should find out is that find your meaning, direct your efforts to it, keep that meaning in view. It’s not the activity that
disturbs you, but false conceptions of things that drive you mad. Don’t die mad, sad, stressed, confused.

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God is the ultimate recipient of all the services done to every living being

You face for types of living being:

Happy being who do good, live well and win hearts.

Sad people who are always regretful for their past, unsatisfied for their present and fearful about their future.

Virtuous people are always satisfied with their present and always prepared for opportunities.

Sinful beings who are surrounded with lust, gluttony, greed, laziness, wrath, envy and false pride.

In Chapter 12 verse 13-14, God Krishna explains Arjuna about how to deal with these peoples in life.

अद्वेष्टा सर्वभूतानां मैत्रः करुण एव च ।
अद्वेष्टा सर्वभूतानां मैत्रः करुण एव च ।
निर्ममो निरहङ्कारः समदुःखसुखः क्षमी ॥ १२-१३॥
सन्तुष्टः सततं योगी यतात्मा दृढनिश्चयः ।
मय्यर्पितमनोबुद्धिर्यो मद्भक्तः स मे प्रियः ॥ १२-१४॥

He, who has no ill-will for any being, who is friendly and compassionate to all, who is free from the sense of egoism, and is even-minded in pleasure and pain, forgiving, ever content, self-controlled, unshakable in determination, with mind and intellect dedicated to Me-a Yogi, My devotee, is dear to Me.

Here God Krishna has combined the happy and virtuous into one category and asked his true devotee to conduct them as their friend and treat the sinful and sad people compassionately.

Therefore the Lord declares that the devotee, who has dedicated his mind and intellect to him, is loving to him. No one else at all can be loving to God besides such a devotee.

God is the ultimate recipient of all the services done to every living being Read More »

How do you remind yourself of your duties

You love to keep setting the goals, targets, agendas, and duties, yet caught up in the day to day urgency, you keep forgetting it. Have you ever asked yourself about why it happens?

Arjuna decides to fight the war. He invites Lord Krishna to become his mentor and charioteer. When he approaches the Warfield, seeing his relatives, friends, and acquaintances gathered there to kill each other, he gets infected by the delusion. He tells Krishna “It would, indeed, be better for me, if the sons of Dhrtarastra
armed with weapons, killed me in battle, with me, while I will be
unarmed and unresisting.” BG.1.46

Many people support the arguments presented by Arjuna citing the reason that we live dutybound in this world to safeguard the well-being of our families and relatives. You may not agree with the point of view of Lord Krishna reminding and convincing Arjuna of his duties.

While your mind is mostly occupied to fulfill the needs and wants of yourself and your loved ones, but the love of God is always directed towards the welfare and benediction of all beings. The fact is, that Lord Krsna did not make Arjuna wage war. He reminded him of his duty only. It was Arjuna, who had invited Lord Krsna, to the war front. But seeing his kinsmen on the hostile side, he was turning away from his duty.
Remind yourself of an incident when you planned to go to some place, but by mistake, you are going in the opposite direction. You then happen to meet a person whom you request to guide you with the direction. The latter,
tells you that you have taken the wrong direction, so you should turn back. Here, the person shows you the right direction.

If you are failing constantly in achieving your set goals, targets, plans or objectives; find a mentor like Lord Krishna who can keep reminding you of your direction whenever you have forgotten or lost your path.

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Energy in Motion

Life is all about going from moment to moment doing right things or doing wrong things or doing nothing. And while being in these situations our mind generates emotions. If you are doing right things your mind generates positive emotions of love, compassion, happiness, and pleasure. If you are doing wrong things or we are doing nothing, your mind is most likely generating negative emotions of hate, anger, fear, jealousy, infatuation, grief, distress, and pain and suffering.

Your mind generates emotions because it is in constant contact between the senses and objects. More you connect with the positive emotions better you’ll be overall in your life. So, whenever you feel under the grip of negative emotions, you need to take control yourself with some simple acts which will self-generate the positive emotions. You are feeling upset because you didn’t get what you expected, just remind yourself ”

This too shall pass.” Play or do things that make you feel happy. Shoot the hoop, make funny faces, tell jokes, sing your favorite song or anything else that you like. Mediate for a while. Meditation helps you declutter your mind and instantly generates positive energy as it soothes your nerves.

Make a call to your friend with whom you can speak out your feelings. Take someone whom you love for a treat. Enjoy your favorite food, drink, activity, shopping or anything else that you both enjoy.

Talk out loud with yourself. Go to a place where no one can hear you and just talk out loud to yourself. You will find yourself a lot more positive. Emotion is a unique asset gifted to the living being. You can make robots which can be more intelligent than any living being but you cannot instill humanlike emotion to the robots. Live yourself more under the influence of positive emotions so that you are always empowered with your intelligence.

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