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Connecting with your deepest and most enduring values

Our society today recognizes us mostly by ‘what we do’ and ‘what we get’. In the race of aligning ourselves by the roles we play and us seeing ourselves as a vehicle for fulfilling our self-defined purpose and passion, our true talent never gets explored.
The word career originates from the Latin word carrus, which means “a wheeled vehicle”.

The utility of a vehicle is only valued by where you can go with it and how it makes you feel when you’re in it. A beautiful and most powerful car without fuel isn’t going anywhere.

To the extent that a career role allows fulfilling the purpose, it can get whatever one wants. If the career choice made allows pursuing what one is naturally good at – it helps enjoy the ride.

Research findings have depicted that people who have chosen career options, which allowed them to pursue the purpose, and express the passion has helped perform better and achieve success.

Always choose a career that works rather than just going for it because you are influenced by social circles.

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