Billionaire Entrepreneur Charlie Munger’s Strategy to Success
Billionaire Entrepreneur Charlie Munger’s Strategy to Success Read More »
Billionaire Entrepreneur Charlie Munger’s Strategy to Success Read More »
Mostly unhappiness is felt because you feel a little by looking at what other possess. While you are disappointed in life for something there are millions who aspire to reach at your spot.
A boy looking at flying aircraft in the sky always dreams to fly but, the pilot at e cockpit looks at earth and dreams to land their and enjoy the scenery and play carelessly.
In spite of you ordering your favorite food in the restaurant, when you see the platter at next table you start feeling that why you didn’t order the same dish.
The real happiness is to enjoy what you have got. No money can buy the peace and happiness. Money alone isn’t a currency of happiness but being content is. Position alone does not bring power otherwise all leaders would be walking without security. Beauty alone does not guaranty relationship bonding otherwise celebrities would have had the most successful relationship – live good…win hearts…
The sound of drumbeat is always melodious from distance Read More »
“Pyar dosti hai, agar wo meri sabse achi dost nahi ban sakti to main usse kabhi pyar kar hi nahi sakta” Shahrukh Khan in movie Kuch Kuch Hota Hai.
The dialogue says a lot about the formation of love beginning with a good friendship. Then why do we have so much reluctance to firm up a business relationship with friends, citing, “Let there not be any business between friends; it spoils the relationship.” My mother also constantly reminded me that “put money factor in any relationship, and it will become the sole cause of spoilers.”
Alongside my entrepreneurial journey, I have formed businesses with friends and experienced both good and bad tastes in them. But it has never happened that we have entered into any quarrel or litigation. When things didn’t work out, we reconciled the account and decided to part ways mutually. The friendship still exists.
I know many people who are successful in their life journey better with their friends than doing it alone. So many chartered accountancy firm partners have succeeded in doing business together. When asked about their relationship, my CA friend said, “Ishwar, we have always worked as a family. We never checked the bank withdrawals; we have brought life essentials together, we have gone for holidays together, and we handle everyday family/work responsibilities based on our strengths.”
It’s hard to handle personal, family and work priorities alone unless you find a pill that eliminates our need to sleep, relax, and rejoice in life.
In my view, the first step is to consider partnership only with friends who share matching values regarding money, social impact, lifestyle, and commitment.
Second, it is crucial to establish clarity on the rules, roles, and responsibilities from the beginning.
Third, you must be willing to ignore the tiny things that will come in the way of painting the picture you’ve decided to paint.
Fourth, having a good partner gives you an ally to easily discuss and decide on the frustrations, challenges, and obstacles that come your way.
Whenever you feel that you’re entering a challenging terrain with your friendship, watch the friendship of Jay and Veeru in Sholay and listen to the song “Yeh Dosti Hum Nahi Todenge. Todenge Dam Magar Tera Sath Na Chhodenge.”
Whether to do business with friends or not Read More »
In my view, you can teach the principles of entrepreneurship but not the passion for execution. You cannot teach what it takes to be successful. You cannot teach someone to have an execution plan and the ability to carry it out when no one is there to hold their hand or guide them day-to-day. You cannot teach how to create values and build a business or how to improve and transform it.
However, you can teach how to prepare a business plan and present ideas with the right pitch deck. You can teach how to discover and implement the value curve in products or services. You can teach how to identify and execute a product’s unfair advantage. You can teach how to explain a product and uniquely position it with the right perspective. You can teach how to develop an idea into a product that people love and find valuable. You can teach how to research, innovate, and bring together people to build a product, ensuring that you ship the right product, service, or opportunity.
Can entrepreneurship be taught? Read More »
Recently an entrepreneur approached me with his business plan.
I asked, “Why do you have such a short sighted and stop-gap kind of plan for your idea?”
Entrepreneur, “You see, If I could see the source of more money, I would have a better plan.”
said, “In my view, it’s not the amount that is a decisive factor; it’s the better plan, better strategy and a great team that counts.”
I revisited the business plan with the entrepreneur this week again, and I was happy to see a well thought out plan, and a strong execution strategy this time.
Well planned or Stop Gap Read More »
So whatever I do, I do it well. Yet, there are days when I feel disappointed, unable to let the factor of chaos stop affecting me.
I am reminded of my father telling me that when you face the chaos; if you allow it to affect you then you are a fly blowing along with the wind but, if you allow it to pass by then you’re the spider.
I am going to stay like a spider, and I know there will be more chances. I just have to go about like I knew it was going to happen.
That’s how I am going to become the greatest version of myself.
As if, today isn’t my day Read More »
We connect with people through social media. Like I have over 3500 connections on Facebook and LinkedIn, but I am not pretty sure why I am concerned with so many people except maybe 5% people with whom I would have engaged through real or virtual communication.
Especially when I receive a LinkedIn connection request with a standard invitation message, I start thinking, “Is it for a lead generation or just to get added into the friends list of the requester?”
I’m not sure if I have ever responded to anyone who’s pitched me through social media for sales.
I believe and advise all social networkers, instead of building connections focus on building relationships through purpose, engagement and trust. Treating algorithmic suggestions for sending connection requests may work for social media companies, but not for you for sure.
Maybe we can’t teach everyone how to just be nice, but we can definitely do a better job of building trust driven connections and relations with friends, employees, acquaintances and well strangers.
Welcome to a purposeful, engaging and trust driven relatio
Having purposeful, engaging and trust driven relationships Read More »
If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original
I love telling this story.
A six-year-old little girl was in her drawing lesson. The girl was so deeply engrossed in her drawing that she didn’t pay any attention to anything around. Watching her so much attentive, the teacher felt fascinated and approached her, and she said, what are you drawing?
The girl said, “I’m drawing a picture of God.”
The teacher quizzed further with her sense of affirmation, “But, nobody knows what God looks like”, and the girl said, “They will in a minute.”
Take a chance like kids. Kids don’t know about the success or the failure. They are not frightened of being wrong…
If you aim to grow, it’s only possible when you’re willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable… when you are prepared to try something new.
From the time you have become an adult, you have lost your kiddish capacity. Regain it back if you aim to stop being frightened of being wrong.
Be prepared to be wrong to build something original Read More »
Question: “I have this brilliant idea which is 10X better than that of a similar product available in the market, but I am not first. What do you suggest?”
Answer: “Being first is not an advantage and it’s not that it can’t be overridden.
In my view, it’s a great opportunity for you to evaluate the state of early movers, find out the missing link and then create your product which is truly 10X better.
You should find a mentor and people who have been there, who have travelled the path, who have learning worth sharing and who have suggestions that might help you develop a better strategy.
Mentors and advisors don’t run your business — but they’re there to give you that guidance so you can avoid those critical challenges and mistakes that could take you out of the race.
You can certainly go fast and go farther than those who went first and still become a winner.”
Someone went first, so you could go fast Read More »
.”Action alone is your sole right, not the fruit of action.” Saya Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita
“Loss, Profit, Life, Death, Appreciation, or Blemish these are under the governance of God.” Tulsi Ramayan
“Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use.” Steve Jobs
There has been immense advocacy for creation through actions and there are substantial examples of people changing the world through their acts – first car, airplane, rail, electricity, etc.
We resonate with the quotes like these, we all want to create something, or we all want to contribute in the creation of something in a meaningful way.
You’d be thinking about the risks, about the chances of being failed, about wasting life’s precious moments in the process.
But, not taking up the chance and waiting endlessly also creates a disappointment for not being able to accomplish something meaningful in life.
For a creation to happen, you require to have a passion, perseverance and give things time. I resonate with the process of conception – 9 months of period inside the womb, awaiting for the creation to happen elegantly — without any hustle, hassle or feeling of rushing out. In order to pursue the creation, come out of your comfort zone to pursue it and embrace the fact that it will take time and consistent effort to make it happen. Do create…
Create and build to make your dream a reality Read More »
“You cannot salvage once things go bad, it’s like curd cannot be made out of spoilt milk”
Some problems cannot be solved but many others can, if you look at solving it
1. Don’t give up before assessing it thoroughly. Say to yourself “It’s worth you solve it.”
2. Frustration will drive away your focus. Keep your cool and keep bringing your focus back.
3. Find the systems, process and procedure that led to the problem. Look at finding the way to avoid similar situation in future.
4. Don’t play a blame game.
5. “We have to be back onto the earth safely. Failure is not an option.” Be the team player and make everyone accountable and fix their role.
6. Take ownership like responsible captains do.
7. Step by step solution – solve the easy ones first.
8. Be optimistic. You need to put hard work, adaptation, experimentation and iteration. But, you must do it.
When things go wrong Read More »
Anonymous asked, “It feels like lately I’ve been carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. My problems are too heavy to bear. I am gradually succumbing to this feeling that the world is nothing but a problem fighting battlefield for me.”
I replied, “Just surrender yourself like the most responsible child that god has put his faith in you to be the bearer of some of his troubles. God wants to see some of his problems to be solved through you.
Just walk every step knowing that everything is safe there. Show your love. Show your strength. Guide yourself listening to your heart and move forward. You’d know which way to go even when you’re stuck at crossroad. Be the grace. Be everything.”
“Caught up in a day to day” is one of the important reasons why businesses fail.
You’d have observed that you might have accomplished all your to-dos, completed all the activities that came in front of you, and you provided support to everyone who approached you saying “Do you have one minute?”
But, you’d have not achieved anything meaningful or valuable for your goals, or help you get to the next level.
It is because your time is consumed by wastes and distractions that you believe are necessary to address.
You forget what is important for you today that will help you shape your tomorrow.
What you need is to focus on your purpose like making profits or providing value to your customer and then aligning your people, activities, and actions to produce measurable results.
You must learn to focus people on the result which will give them the meaning of what they do and help your business fulfill the mission for which it exists.
And, while doing so, you’ll move from an activity manager to a result manager.
Activity manager vs results manager Read More »
Deborah DiSanzo, now the CEO of Philips Healthcare and erstwhile Executive of Hewlett Packard, was working on an incredibly complex system that was designed to deal with operating room procedures.
Bill Hewlett came to visit, and he asked to her, “So, what does this do?
She said, “Oh, it’s the most incredible technology and it’s really amazing.”
He quipped, “No, I mean what does it do?
She replied, “Well, it uses ideas to bring information. “
He asked with dissatisfaction, “But, what is it doing?”
Finally, after the fourth time, he said it very loud and sharply, “What does it do? “
And in desperation, Deborah said, “It saves lives.”
He said, okay, carry on. That’s a wonderful illustration of what it means to think about the end product of what you’re doing, not about how hard you worked at it, and the activities you’re going through.
It’s a great skill to put straight “what you are doing and how’s it going to help?” Read More »
I believe in, have confidence in, trust, am comfortable with, your association.
Have you ever looked at your eyes when someone said, “I believe in, have confidence in, trust, am comfortable with, your association.”
Whether business or personal, the relationships that has this kind of feeling works like magic. All the people you know, do business with and have long history are based on belief, confidence, faith and comfort. Everything else just takes care of and by itself.
If you wish to count such people, right now, you make a list of people whom you can invite to your home, show him your kitchen and your bedroom – those will be the kind of people I am talking about.
Similarly, make a list of people whom you think, he’d invite you to home, show you the kitchen and the bedroom.
Build some long term, trustworthy, faithful and dependable relationship else live just like an ordinary person.
Good relationships Read More »