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Reward those who serve

Always Remember And Reward Those Who Serve

An ordinary looking 10 year old boy entered the ice-cream parlour and sat at a table. A waiter served a glass of water and asked him for the order.  “How much is a vanilla ice cream cost?”, he asked. “Rupees Fifty” replied the waiter.

The little boy pulled out money from his pocket, counted his money and asked, “Well, how much would the cup cost?”

People on the nearby tables were staring at the boy and the waiter was becoming impatient. “Rupees forty” he brusquely replied. “I’ll have an ice cream cup.” The boy confirmed the order.

The waiter brought the ice-cream and put the bill on the table. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left.

When the waiter came back to clear the table, he could not stop his tears.  There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were rupees ten left for the tip.You see, he couldn’t have the Ice-cream cone, because he had to have enough left to leave him a tip.

You see, he couldn’t have the Ice-cream cone, because he had to have enough left to leave him a tip.

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Destined for greatness

If you believe, you’re “Destined for Greatness”, do you remember when you looked  yourself in the “Mirror of Meaning”

Knowing where are you at this moment

Life is full of uncertainties and there are those personal, emotional and environmental situations that drag us into hopelessness, helplessness and out of control – whether it’s making a career choice, getting struck in a bad job, having a troubled relationship or many other things. You may be hanging there wishing that some miracle will save you without knowing that miracles doesn’t happen while waiting.

Knowing your speed breakers

When faced with speed breakers, we slow down allow ourselves to pass through it smoothly and again get into the speed. Do you know what’s going on in your life? Do you know what’s kept you at standstill? Do you know what’s depriving you from attaining your Greatness?

Rework your action plan

Today, look at the mirror of your meaning – today look inside you and find the piece of puzzle that you’re not able to solve. Rework your action plan.

Commit yourself to reclaim your greatness by achieving personal freedom and  to make a difference in the world. Also to live a better quality of life, a meaningful life; Its a must to eliminate the self and social oppressions. Reclaiming your greatness demands a new you! Look. Yourself in the mirror of meaning and be thankful for this experience. Commit..

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Finishers vs Openers

This shall help:   “ Are you a Finishers or Openers?”

You are a Finisher, if you get more satisfaction from:

throwing away a container or bottle after using the very last drop, or
opening a fresh new container
But, if you are more likely to be Opener, if you like to:

have several unfinished projects going at one time, or
make sure that you’ve done a thorough job on your priority project before starting something new

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Should I wait until it’s bottoms down

Many people step into things either ill-prepared or unplanned, whether it’s a job, career, entrepreneurship or role.

As a result, they get stuck, as things don’t move as they imagined. The other problem they encounter is that they get stuck there for too long.

They don’t exit it thinking about what others will think, how they would face people around them, etc. Their indecisiveness causes more trouble for them and their loved ones!

Here’s the thing—nobody is watching you, and nobody is following you around taking notes. If you mess up, it’s not that big of a deal. Ditto if you do or say something stupid. Feel free to act on what is important to you. You can save your energies and experiences for something better.

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Where do I get the fulfilment in my life?

“Is my salary raise going to be better than last year?”

“Can I work little less than I have been working throughout the past several months?”

“Can I get the promotion to the next level?”

These are the questions mostly people ask during the performance review. I don’t say these are not important. I understand work is a big piece of our life and work must be rewarding enough. In my approach, I’ve always been a bit vocal about having balance in life and make sure that you don’t look at economic gain alone as sole motivator.

I have seen that people who are fulfilled on a much broader basis, having real balance between faith, family, friends and hobbies live really well. They completely, single-mindedly focus on and get their value out of work.

We, as a society, have started gauging our progress in improving our economic situation. When we look at our kids, we ask, “Are they going to do economically better than we’ve done?” I think we need to pursue and tell people around us that socioeconomic wealth is not the only most important measure of personal happiness; having a sense of fulfilment certainly is.

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Don’t overwork. It’s not worth it

I use to work usually 12 – 14 hours. Once my father visited us. He observed me every day going early to work and returning very late. One Sunday, he asked: “Are you running away from you or genuinely working so much?”

My wife replied, saying he comes a bit early because of him being here with us.

He said: “Today, you are working hard to make money. Tomorrow you will need to work harder to arrange the money for medical expenses.” His thoughts changed my lifestyle and working habits forever.

Most people write “think big,” “change the world,” “be prudent,” “work hard,” “peddle fast and focus,” as a must for becoming a successful entrepreneur.

It makes you so stressed that you start putting in extra hours, stop caring about your health and struggle to stay closer to your loved ones.
Don’t kill yourself — you have chosen to become an entrepreneur to create a more meaningful life. If you feel down and out, stop it.

Call me if things get too stressful. Or more importantly, make sure you take sleep for 8 hours and relax.

A relaxed body and calm mind boost your concentration, attention, decision-making skills, creativity, social skills, better health and decreases mood fluctuations, stress, anger, and impulsiveness.

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क्या आपने कभी विश्राम किया है?

भगवान शिव क्षीरसागर से निकले हलाहल का पान कर लिए। पीने के बाद देवता लोग आए और पूछे,”प्रभु आपने विष का पान किया तो आपको डर नहीं लगा?”

शिवजी ने पूछा, “यह हलाहल विष कहाँ से आयी?”
देवता बोले, “समुद्र मंथन से।”
शिवजी ने पूछा, “समुद्र मंथन किसने किया?”
देवता, “जब सारे देवता थक गए तो सागर के स्वामी भगवान विष्णु ने स्वयं।”
शिवजी, “तो आप समझो – भगवान विष्णु स्वयं ही इसे पी लेते लेकिन उन्होंने मेरे पास भेज दिया। मैं तो राम राम जाप रहा था और उन्होंने विष भेज दिया। मैं तो इसे मेरे राम का प्रसाद समझकर पी लिया और विश्राम पा लिया।”

तो आपके पास जो भी है, जो भी आए उसे भगवान का प्रसाद समझ कर पान कर लीजिए, सहजता से विश्राम की अवस्था में सदैव रहेंगे।

क्या आपने कभी विश्राम किया है? Read More »

आपका नेटवर्थ क्या है?

अगर हम अकाउंटिंग के दृष्टिकोण से देखें तो आपके पास जो सम्पत्ति है उसमें से आप की जो देनदारी है उसे घटा दें तो आपकी नेटवर्थ पता चलता है, यानी आपकी आर्थिक ताक़त क्या है !

आजकल क़र्ज़ और क्रेडिट कार्ड के माध्यम से गाड़ी, घर, फ़ोन, विदेशों में छुट्टी, इत्यादि की होड़ सी लगी हुई है। जिसके कारण हमारे ऊपर देनदारी ज़्यादा होती है और हमारी नेटवर्थ नेगेटिव ही रहती है। यह इसलिए होता है की हम आर्थिक प्लानिंग की ज़रूरत ही नहीं समझते।

आप थोड़ी मेहनत कीजिए – अपना नेटवर्थ का लेखा जोखा लीजिए, अपने आने वाले दिनों के ज़रूरतों का आकलन कीजिए, आपके कमाई के श्रोत को समझिए और फिर अपने ध्यान इस ओर केंद्रित कीजिए ताकि आपकी कमाई बढ़े और ख़र्च काम हो। नेटवर्थ हर दौर में कमाल की बात रही है और रहेगी।

इन तीन क्षेत्रों पर ध्यान दें और अपनी योजना बनायेंगे तो आपका नेटवर्थ बढ़ना भी शुरू हो जाएगी:

१) अगर आप हिसाब लिख सकते हो तो पिछले ३ महीने में आपने कहाँ कहाँ पैसे ख़र्च किए हैं उसका हिसाब लिखो।हर कुछ चाय, कॉफ़ी, कपड़े, यात्रा, बाहर का खाना, क़र्ज़ की इन्स्टॉल्मेंट, सब कुछ।
२) फिर एक सोच बनाएँ की आप अपनी कमाई का कम से कम १०% हर महीने बचत कैसे कर सकते हैं।
३) अगर नहीं कर सकते तो ३-६ महीने की योजना बनाओ और कम से कम १०% बचत करना शुरू करो।
फिर देखो २-३ सालों में आपकी आय भी बढ़ेगी, ख़र्चा भी कम होगा और बचत भी रहेगी। नेटवर्थ तो पॉज़िटिव होनी ही है।

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डिसेबल्ड ऑनबोर्ड – ड्राइव केयर फ़ुली

किसी की मुस्कुराहटों पे हो निसार किसी का दर्द मिल सके तो ले उधार

कल एक वाक्या हुआ – ऑफिस से वापस आते समय एक कार दिखी जिस पर लिखा था, “डिसेबल्ड ऑनबोर्ड – ड्राइव केयर फ़ुली।”

मैं थोड़ा ठहर गया। गाडी धीमी कर ली। हॉर्न नहीं बजाया या साइड लेने की कोशिश नहीं की। कुछ समय उनके पीछे चलता रहा। अगले मोड़ पर उन्होंने मेरे तरफ़ देखी और मुस्कुरा दिया और मेरे भी चेहरे पे मुस्कान बिखर गयी।फिर, मन में एक ख्याल आया – कितने लोग होंगे जिनके मन के अंदर कुछ दर्द होंगे, जिनके शरीर में पीड़ाएँ होंगी, एक चाह होगी की कोई मेरी बात सुन लेता, एक इच्छा होगी की कोई मेरा दर्द बाँट लेता।

तो फिर हमें एक साईन बोर्ड की क्यों जरूरत पड़ती है, क्या इंसान को एक साईन बोर्ड डालनी शुरू कर देनी चाहिए? क्या हम कुछ पल यूँही ठहरकर किसी का दर्द सुन या समझ नहीं सकते। क्यों हम इंसान दूसरे के आँखों में लरजते आंसू को देख और पोछ नहीं सकते।

क्यों नहीं? जरा सोचियेगा।

डिसेबल्ड ऑनबोर्ड – ड्राइव केयर फ़ुली Read More »

Take Off

I was badly stuck in my life. There were problems, but there were no answers coming. It felt like a never-ending road.

I went to my father for advice. Without giving ears to what I was going through, he said ‘take off.’

Both figuratively and literally, take. Off.

Take off in the direction of your dreams.

Take off and explore the world because getting out of your comfort zone will help you find your voice, your values, and the very things that make you you.

Take off over that hypothetical ledge, because you’ll be surprised at how much you’re capable of.

The rest is history — whenever I get stuck, I remember what my father advised, and I take off without thinking too much about where it will land.

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When things go wrong

“You cannot salvage once things go bad, it’s like curd cannot be made out of spoilt milk”

Some problems cannot be solved but many others can, if you look at solving it

1. Don’t give up before assessing it thoroughly. Say to yourself “It’s worth you solve it.”

2. Frustration will drive away your focus. Keep your cool and keep bringing  your focus back.

3. Find the systems, process and procedure that led to the problem. Look at finding the way to avoid similar situation in future.

4. Don’t play a blame game.

5. “We have to be back onto the earth safely. Failure is not an option.” Be the team player and make everyone accountable and fix their role.

6. Take ownership like responsible captains do.

7. Step by step solution – solve the easy ones first.

8. Be optimistic. You need to put hard work, adaptation, experimentation and iteration. But, you must do it.

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The art of business

I was at a summit on “The Art of Entrepreneurship”  which was attended by over 100s of budding entrepreneurs, startups and SME Business owners. I learned and shared the following:

1. As an entrepreneur you must invent failure else failure will invent you.

2. Don’t invest in business where the entrepreneur has plan B. Also don’t invest in CV.

3. What’s the lovemark that would attract your customers and stakeholders towards your business.

4. For 5 years nourish the business, for 5 -10 years care and control, for 10 to 25 years empower your business and after 25 free it from your clutch and control.

5. Unless you find a woman’s customer taking away her wallet with a smile for your product don’t start.

6. As Monalisa cannot be created in the lab so is the business- you must go out and get going unless you discover your pearl.

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Be the grace

Anonymous asked, “It feels like lately I’ve been carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. My problems are too heavy to bear. I am gradually succumbing to this feeling that the world is nothing but a problem fighting battlefield for me.”

I replied, “Just surrender yourself like the most responsible child that god has put his faith in you to be the bearer of some of his troubles. God wants to see some of his problems to be solved through you.

Just walk every step knowing that everything is safe there. Show your love. Show your strength. Guide yourself listening to your heart and move forward. You’d know which way to go even when you’re stuck at crossroad. Be the grace. Be everything.”

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Influencing the fate by timing children birth

These days it’s becoming increasingly fashionable to decide the birth date and time of new born babies. As medical science enables us to do so through the Caesarean section, people believe that they can influence fate.

Your fate, your deeds and dealings are pre decided by the cosmos at the time when you are conceived in the womb.

The position of the sun and the moon, the zodiacal sign into which the sun had entered, the position of the seven other planets, the day of the week as well as the day of the lunar month, all these are turned out to be propitious.

The only way to turn the fate into positivity is through the devotion, prayer, righteous deeds, compassion and gratitude towards all being.

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Just move forward

You don’t lack creative ideas, you lack the focus to move forward

He asked, “I see there seems to be a mysterious conspiracy in favor of our competitors and it seems I am just unlucky.”

I replied, “To maximize the probability of success, it is imperative to set yourself up with an environment where you can focus on your goals and eliminate paths that push you to easily allow you to quit. Most things don’t show up the results because we quit at 90%.”

I must tell you, “Just move forward. It just needs one push with full focus and force.”

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