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Live Well

A self-realized soul is not bewildered by the changes in the physical body

Bhagavad Gita Chapter2.13 God Krishna explains, “Embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change.”

What we see ourselves is the composition of the body and the spirit. Our body constantly keeps changing – the death of childhood causes adulthood, the death of adulthood causes elderhood, and so on so forth. It’s said there are 8.4 million species on our planet, and every spirit travels through all these yonis, including the time spent in heaven and hell. Spirit beneath us remains the same, only the physical appearance changes.

The one who understands this self-destructing nature of our physical body never suffers the bewilderment.

Birth and death are not our righteousness – it’s of our physical body. Our soul is immortal and keeps changing its physical form as we change the old and outdated clothes. If we keep our attachment to the clothes we wear, we will never be able to replace them.

A self-realized soul is not bewildered by the changes in the physical body Read More »

How to spot the opportunity

Before you build a solid business, you need to build it on a solid opportunity (a.k.a idea) while going through your best experiences, biggest frustration, and everyday challenges people are facing. Take clues from the work you are doing right now or something that you think needs to be done differently.

Once you get the idea, survey the people you think will benefit the most and ask, “Where is the opportunity?”

Identify it, then go back to the drawing board and construct a solution to the frustration found in a group of customers.

Acts the way the customer needs it to act, not the Entrepreneur.

“How will my business look to the customer?”

“How will my business stand out from all the rest?”

Within the customer is a continuing parade of changing wants, begging to be satisfied. Find out what those wants are and what they will be in the future.

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How to Start Leading

Lead Yourself by taking up the responsibility of your own work and your own deed delivering what you commit you will.

Lead Your Team by communicating clearly, aligning members with your goals, and understanding their desires and goals well.
Lead your family by having respect, clear communication, avoiding criticism, stopping being judgemental, listening to your family members, expressing love and appreciation, and frequently bringing together family members to celebrate joys, milestones, and celebrations.
Lead your community by setting goals for it, taking responsibility and getting it done, and involving stakeholders.
Lead your country by having a balanced view of righteousness, wealth and actions.
Lead Your Industry by spreading your message outside your wall in a way that it inspires people. For this to happen, you need to stop micromanaging, start learning and build profound connections with people who matter to you and your industry.

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The Art of Asking Smart Questions

You would have observed during the meetings, interviews, conferences and seminars that when someone asks the right question and it gets acknowledged with compliments like;
“You have asked a very intelligent question.”
“This is certainly a relevant question.”

You would have felt a sense of accomplishment on the face of a person who asked the question. Such a compliment changes the involvement of the person in the entire conversation.

Do you want to know how to ask an intelligent question?

Let me explain.

The best way to appear intelligent in any meeting starts with preparing beforehand.

Prepare a Venn Diagram of things you know and don’t know as displayed in the picture below. After that, have your attention fixed on the topic. Your preparation with help you both ways — you can ask an intelligent question or support the answer if you find the explanation appropriate. Such endeavour will help you gain the audience’s attention, recognition and appreciation.

Share if you have a better way to appear intelligent through any other way.

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Every day is the season for the doing

The dream you’ve had since you were born is still there, you know. It may seem impossible, ridiculous, or unrealistic. Yet, it’s still there—waiting to go beyond your fear of failing, your “what-if” excuses, and your concern about what others may think. Your dream is ready to get out of your head and heart to be a reality.

So, pick up the pen. Pick up the paper, pick up the microphone, pick up the guitar, pick up your tools, and pick up your toolkits. Pick up yourself, and go for it.

Your audience has waited too long to see you perform live for them. Now is the time to show what you can do. Now is the time to give that rockstar performance. Now is the time to reclaim your original artist. Don’t die keeping your music within.

Every day is the season for the doing Read More »

A Busy life is a good life

Being busy means you’re blessed, because your life’s not boring. You’re stressed, but you feel fulfilled. You feel tired, yet you’re happy of being what, who or where you are now.

God is so good that despite of exhaustive activities at work, at home or personal life, you still have that positive outlook about everything in life. He gave you that strength of not giving up so easily. You just keep on fighting and making your life to become a meaningful one without any regrets at all.

A Busy life is a good life Read More »

Control your ungoverned tamper – a Zen Story

A Zen student went to Bankei and said:”Master,I have an ungovernable temper.How can I cure it?”
“You have something very strange,Show me where it is?” asked Bankei.
“Just now I can’t show it to you” said the student.
“If not now, when?” asked Bankei
“It arises unexpectedly,” replied the student.
Then,” concluded Bankei, “it must not be ur own true nature. If it were, you’d show it to me any time. When you’re born, you did not have it,and your parents did not give it to you. Think that over.”

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United with God you become immortal

Dewdrops stuck on the grass leave evaporate as soon as it comes in contact with the sunshine in the morning. But, when the same dewdrop falls into the sea, it merges with the seawater, retains its existence, and adds a drop of water to the ocean reservoir.

Our relationship with God is somewhat similar to the dewdrop relationship with the sea.
There is a significant similarity between the dewdrop’s relationship with the sea and ours with God. To forget God is to miss the whole purpose of your existence. The great sages are not the fool that they have chosen to give up the material world to live in the supreme existence of God. One who’s ever experienced a tiny moment of godliness will give away all the material pleasures of the world. And then the matter of material disturbances are just the matter – the profit or loss, life or death, appreciation or blemish – they may just make you feel helpless momentarily. Still, you always live protected under God’s security. You attain a happy state of mind, a state that is untouched by the events of daily life. That joy will be so permanent that even the fear of death won’t shake you. How could Jesus say, in the face of crucifixion, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

United with God you become immortal Read More »

Your true measure is how you treat inferiors, not equals

I am sure you know that billionaires and beggars are just like you – all have a heart, all have struggled through challenges, and all feel a streak of genius.

I was profoundly impacted by noticing an incident while traveling along with Dr. Subhash Chandra, the founder and chairman of Zee Entertainment. A liftman saluted him, showing his gratitude when he entered the lift. He immediately reciprocated, “Namaste! How are you?” The glow on the face of the liftman was worth a billion.

Later, he told me, “It is so important to acknowledge the gratitude irrespective of from whom you receive it.”

I learned that you must have a deep respect and understanding for people from all walks of life. Becoming fabulously wealthy or intellectual doesn’t make anyone better – it only means that you have been a bit more fortunate, and fortunes are won and lost every moment.

Your true measure is how you treat inferiors, not equals Read More »

You will never come up with anything original if you are not ready to be wrong

I keep drawing inspiration and love telling this story to people.

A six-year-old little girl was in her drawing lesson. The girl was so deeply engrossed in her drawing that she didn’t pay attention to anything around her. Watching her so engrossed in her work, the teacher felt fascinated and approached her, “What are you drawing?”

The girl said, “I’m drawing a picture of God.”

The teacher quizzed further with her sense of affirmation, “But, nobody knows what God looks like.” The girl said, “They will in a minute.”

Take a chance like kids. Kids don’t know about success or failure. They are not frightened of being wrong. If you aim to grow, it’s only possible when you’re willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable and ready to try new things. You have lost your child-like curiosity from the time you become an adult. Regain it back if you aim to stop being frightened of being wrong.

You will never come up with anything original if you are not ready to be wrong Read More »

How to design a better life

You can design a better life, if you only remember these few things…

Remember that you are a designer of your life.

To be a designer of your life, you must think about your life plan as a designer – what is your desirability to reap tangible and strategic outcome.

Listen to you, people and environment to find the inspirations that will be like a dewdrop to invoke your own intuition, creativity and confidence.

Remember that Not knowing is just fine.

Awaken your genius within to learn, experiment, risk and having the attitude to feel “alright” even when you fail. Trust that one day you’ll be perfect, fine and profoundly expert in your act.

Remember that being optimistic is like being alive.

Whatever is not in your reach today is your opportunity to get tomorrow. When you self-doubt, it’s better to start with “What if?” instead of wondering about “What’s wrong?” Believe and burst yourself for better future.

Remember that you can beat by going out and getting done.

Don’t ponder over the things. Don’t procrastinate. Pull yourself out of your comfort zone. Go out of the building and learn from the world. Everywhere around the wisdom is awaiting for you to come and learn.

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Strength is a must to live a good life

I did my primary education in the same school where my father was a teacher. Every day, I’d walk for 6 KM to go to school and return back home. My father would ride a bicycle at the speed of maybe 10 kilometers per hour, and on most days, I’d run behind him to reach school.
One day, during the summer, I was running behind him, wet with sweat, red-faced, and breathing high. A fellow teacher and friend of my father, noticing my condition, said to my father, “Why are you becoming so merciless? Don’t you notice the condition of your son? Give him lift.”
My father replied, “I am well aware of what I am doing and his condition. I also know that to live good life, he must possess a physical, mental and emotional strength that will keep him firm and tireless to face the life situations. It’s my way to train and prepare him for tomorrow.”
Several years later, when I met the same teacher during my visit to Bihar, he patted my back and said, “I wish every father acts like your father did and narrated the story to me.”
Until my last breath, my father is my first and last master, guide, guiding force…

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The truth reveals itself to those who are truthful to the self

The truth reveals itself to those who are truthful to the self

Satyakama, a young man, reached the hermitage of Sage Gautam. He had a desire to know the Brahma and wanted to know the truth.

He bowed his head on the feet of the sage Gautam and pleaded,” Oh; Great Sage, I have come in search of truth. Be kind to me and teach me the knowledge of Brahma. I am blind and I want light.”

The Rishi asked him:” Son, what is your Gotra? Who is your Father? What is his name?”

That young man did not know his father. Nor did he know his Gotra. He went to his mother, asked her and returned. And what his mother told him he repeated to the Gautam.
He said:” God! I neither know my Gotra nor do I know my father’s name. My mother also does not know my father. I asked her, and then she said that she was playing with many respectable persons in her youth and used to please them. She does not know from whom I was born. The name of my mother is Jabali. Therefore I am Satyakama Jabali. She has asked me to tell you this!

The simple true self-introduction by Satyakama deeply impressed Sage Gautam. He embraced that young man and said:” My dear, you are definitely a Brahmin. So much faith in truth is the very symptom of a Brahmin. You will definitely be able to find the Brahma because to him who has the courage to be true to himself, truth itself will come searching at his doors”.

The truth reveals itself to those who are truthful to the self Read More »

प्रश्न है जबतक मैं स्वयं को नहीं जानता

कई दिनों से एक प्रश्न था
मन में मचलता रहा परेशान करता रहा
कई लोगों से पूछा कईयों से चर्चा भी की
कई ने मुह फेर ली कई ने डांट लगा दी.
प्रश्न फिर भी प्रश्न था मनपटल से मिटा नहीं
घूमता भटकता मन में आया एक ख़याल
क्यूँ न जाऊँ प्रश्न लेकर बुद्ध के पास
बोल मैं बुद्ध से ओ महात्मन
हो अगर न आपको कोई कष्ट या दुबिधा बड़ी
एक प्रश्न है हल ढूँढने को बेकल है मन मेरी
बुद्ध ने कहा – अब तक तुम्हे क्यों न उत्तर मिला
मैंने कहा पूछा कईयों से पर किसीने न उत्तर दिया
बुद्ध ने कहा जवाब के लिए आना एक साल बाद
फिर दे दी शर्त तुम यह प्रश्न किसी से न पूछना
जबाब मिलेगा सही यह वादा है तुमसे मेरा।

रह गया मैं दंग कोई उपाय भी नहीं सुझा
बुद्ध पर करके भरोसा निकल गया चुपचाप
निश्चिंत मैं मन शांत होकर सोचता रहा समाधान
फिर कुछ समय बाद प्रश्न कहीं गुम हो गया.

एक बर्ष बाद बुद्ध बोले बता क्या है प्रश्न तेरा
मैंने कहा रहने दीजिये अब प्रश्न प्रश्न नहीं रहा
उन्होंने कहा तुम बाद में मुझको न बादी करारना
मैं हूँ तैयार तू चाहे तो अभी प्रश्न पूछ डालना
मैंने कहा की अब प्रश्न मेरा न रहा
प्रश्न था जबतक मैं स्वयं को नहीं पहचानता

प्रश्न है जबतक मैं स्वयं को नहीं जानता Read More »

My father wanted me to do these five things and yours too

1. Educate well

When you were born, your father dreamt of you becoming a better version of him.
Not seeing me much interested in education during my early childhood, my father said, “education is the light that will develop the intelligence through which you can see the world in a new perspective.”
My father always felt that we should be well educated and achieve excellence. His emphasis was on substantiating our learning with practical field skills.
Your father wants to hold his head up and announce to the world about your education and your knowledge. For him, the gift of education is priceless and the most revered thing that you can gift to him.
Even though you want to live and do for your passion, education helps you develop your brain and intellect to better execute and pursue your passion for achieving excellence in life. The Hinduism scripture says – “Those parents who do not provide proper education to their kids are like enemy. He appears like stork in the conference of swan.”
Education is the most precious wealth compared to any other form of wealth!

2. Care for your mother

Your mother is the source of your existence. Words like innocence, love, care, commitment, and affection are synonymous with motherhood.
She is there with open arms and unconditional support in your thick and thin.
She compromised her comfort and sleep for you.
Your mother never bothered about her feelings. She faked her laughter for you to smile, cried when you were in pain, and always prayed to the almighty for your well-being.
You are lucky that you have a mother – many others stay deprived of a mother’s love. She is the most beautiful woman in the world, and she is the most soulfully soft woman you will find anywhere.
Your father wants you to care for her and give her the dues.

3. Love and Pride for your Nation

After victory in Lanka, the lord Ram said to Lakshman, “Lakshman, even this golden Lanka does not attract me. Mother and motherland are greater than heaven.”
Your motherland has provided you with earth, water, fire, ether, and air to shape your physical form and existence.
Your love for the nation should go beyond taking credit for being born here. You must, through your efforts, contribute to elevating the cultural, traditional, and social status of your nation.
Your deeds and acts should be such that everyone should aspire to your indomitable spirit of building and safeguarding your national interest.

4. Leave the small for big things in life

The pleasure that you get taking a bath in the pond, lake, or river, you will get a similar or more pleasure while bathing in the sea – leave the pond, river, or lake for the sea.
My father was struggling with the social unjust imposed upon him. I was scared to leave my family for my studies and career growth. For a while, we lived in very unsafe social settings. My father said, “These matters are temporary. It will settle down. But, your time and opportunity will not come again.”

5. Right to Action

You think of the result first without realizing that your action brings the result.
The more you spend thinking about the result, the less time you will get for the actions.
The bullock pulls the cart, not otherwise. Your action will bring the result, not dreaming about the results.
In many cases, it does not matter what you do. What matters is that you do something and keep doing it until you get the result?
Lord Krishna’s Sutra to Arjuna;
You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action।
I wrote fortnightly letters to my father, updating him about things, plans, and vision. He would rarely reply to those letters. On my visit to the home, I asked him, “Why you don’t reply to my letters?”
He said, “You write too many flowery sentences in your letter. It would be best to spend more time doing things and then sharing the results. The wealth, donation and vision fructifies when kept secretly.”

My father wanted me to do these five things and yours too Read More »