Ishwar Jha

Entrepreneur, Digital Media Specialist, Technology Innovator, Speaker & Blogger. I relish the vision of creating a collaborative and participatory platform that would help enrich the lives of people. My expertise includes; - Business model generation - Lean Startup - Customer Development - Digital Strategy - Technical Innovations - Digital Product design and development - Mentoring, coaching and inflection support for entrepreneurs

You’re Not Reading Enough

Whenever I go to colleges to have workshops with students and quizzed students with a question: “How many of you read less than one hour?”

95% people have put their hands up and this is not a good sign for us.

I request you, if you find any youth in neighbourhood, please tell him to read:

“In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn’t read all the time — none, zero” and
“Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up. Day by day, and at the end of the day – if you live long enough like most people, you will get out of life what you deserve.”
~~~Charlie Munger

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Cyclic Learning for Mastering any Skill

A student of architecture got the chance to meet one of the most successful architects in the world today. Something had been troubling him about his future architectural career, and he asked him a question:

“Why is it that all the most successful architects only appear to become successful in their 60’s?”

He responded, “All mastery comes from learning cycles: starting it, trying it, completing it, learning from it, and then repeating the cycle. In architecture, a learning cycle can take five to seven years. So by the time you’ve gone through enough cycles to begin mastering it, you’re already in your 60’s.”

“But I want to be successful faster,” Student said. “How can I do that?”

“Simple,” the Architect replied. “Don’t be an architect.”

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Your way, Ideally

Whenever we get good at something, we start repeating ourselves, and it becomes routine – like machines keep producing as per its capacity at all time.

Life becomes monotonous. Routine. Autopilot.

Lucky few realize that good is the enemy of great, and the journey from good to great begins by giving up the good.

And both good and great are the enemies of possibility.

The success secret of Apple a company that pushes the possible upfront, keeps pursuing the good, and it continuously aims to be great at making the possible.

Being labelled as great reassures us we’ve hit on one best ways to succeed. Your way, your turn.

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Definitely a Brahmin

A young man reached the hermitage of Rishi Haridrumat Gautam. He wanted to know the truth. He had a desire to know the Brahma. He placed his head on the feet of the Rishi and said, ”Oh; Teacher, I have come in search of truth. Be kind to me and teach me the knowledge of Brahma. I am blind and I want light.”

The name of that young man was Satyakama.

The Rishi asked him: ”Son, what is your Gotra? Who is your father? What is his name?”

That young man had no knowledge of his father. Nor did he know his gotra.

He went to his mother, asked her and returned.

And what his mother told him he repeated to the Rishi. He said: ”Oh! god! I do not know my Gotra. Nor do I know my father. My mother also does not know my father. I asked her, and then she said that in her youth she was playing with many respectable persons and used to please them. She does not know from whom I was born. The name of my mother is Jabali. Therefore I am Satyakama Jabal. This is what she has asked me to tell you also’.

Haridrumat was very much moved by the simple true story. He embraced that young man and said: ”My dear, you are definitely a Brahmin. So much faith in truth is the very symptom of a Brahmin. You will definitely be able to find the Brahma because to him who has the courage to be true to himself, truth itself will come searching at his doors”.

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खुशहाल जीवन के लिए सात बातें दिमाग में बैठा लेने जैसी

खुशहाल जिंदगी चाहते हो?
ये 7 बातें दिमाग में बैठा लो!

१. मुस्कुराओ इसलिए नहीं की तुम दूसरों को खुश दिखो, खुश रहो ताकि मुस्कुराहट नेचुरली होठों पर बनी रहे।

२. जितना दक्ष बनोगे उतना ही ज्यादा धन धान्य और संपदा के स्वामी बनोगे।

३. जितना लोनली रहोगे सोशल मीडिया से उतना ही ज्यादा एडिक्टेड हो जाओगे।

४. नेगेटिविटी को जितना दबाओगे तुमपे उतना ही ज्यादा हावी होता जायेगा।

५. किसी भी इंसान को अगर हद से ज्यादा चाहोगे तो वो ज्यादा भाव खायेगा और दूर भागेगा।

६. अगर लोगों के लिए ज्यादा उपलब्ध रहोगे तो तुम्हारी कदर उतनी ही कम होती जायेगी।

७. तुम जैसे जैसे प्रभावशाली होते जाओगे लोगों से तुम्हारा व्यवहार उतना ही कटु होता जायेगा और दूर होते चले जाओगे।

खुशहाल जीवन के लिए सात बातें दिमाग में बैठा लेने जैसी Read More »


बचपन में मेरा घर मिट्टी का था। जब मैं शायद पांच या छः साल का था तो तेज बारिश और बाढ़ जैसी स्थिति आने के कारण घर ढह गया। हमें मजबूरन मवेशी वाले घर में रहना पड़ा। पिताजी और मां ने मिलकर एक चौकी के ऊपर दूसरी रक्खी और हम किसी तरह बारिश से बचाव कर रहे थे।

उस समय खाना मिट्टी के चूल्हे पर लकड़ी से पकाई जाती थी। हमारे चूल्हे, लकड़ी अनाज सब नष्ट हो चुके थे।

मां ने चिंता जाहिर की: “बच्चे भूखे हैं। मैं जाकर परोस से कुछ उधार लेकर पका लें आती हूं।”

पिताजी ने टोक दिया: “क्या इतने वर्षों के दांपत्य जीवन में आपको कभी किसी से मांगने की जरूरत पड़ी है?”

मां ने सिर हिलाकर नकार दिया।

“आज एक दिन अगर मांग लेंगे तो जिंदगी भर सुनना पड़ेगा। लोग कहेंगे पुरा परिवार खत्म हो गया होता अगर हमने खाना नहीं बनाने दिया होता।” पिताजी ने फिर कहा।

“बच्चे भूखे हैं।” मां ने थोड़ी भारी आवाज में जवाब दिया।

“नमक चाटकर और एक ग्लास पानी पी लेने से भी भूख मिट जाती है। मैंने विद्यार्थी जीवन में कई बार ऐसा किया है। जैसे ही बारिश थमेगी, मैं जाकर दूसरे गांव के दुकान से खाने का सामान खरीद कर ले आऊंगा।”

हम भूखे ही बारिश थमने का इंतजार करते रहे। कुछ घंटों में बारिश थमी और पिताजी जल्दी से जाकर खाने का सामान ले आए। कुछ दिनों के बाद पक्के की मकान बनाने का कार्य भी शुरू हो गया। फिर, हम पक्के के मकान में रहने लगे और दुबारा बारिश या बाढ़ के कारण भूखा रहना पड़ा हो ऐसी नौबत भी नहीं आई।

उस दिन हमारे मानस पटल पर यह विचार जरूर अंकित हो गया की “मांगना, उधार लेना और चुराना हमारे लिए तो कतई ही नहीं है। अगर ऐसा किया तो मेरे पिता के अप्रतिम सीख का निरादर होगा और उनके आत्मा को दुख पहुंचेगी।”

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Six sources of enjoyment in a life

I was reading a shloka from Vidur Niti:

अर्थागमो नित्यमरोगिता च
प्रिया च भार्या प्रियवादिनी च।
वश्यस्य पुत्रो Sर्थकरी च विद्या
षड् जीवलोकस्य सुखानि राजन्।।

It provides us six sources/means of enjoying a happy lifestyle in this World:
(i) regular source of income from your work

(ii) Having good health

(iii) A loving and soft speaking spouse

(iv) Wise, obedient and kind children

(v) Knowledge and expertise in the profession which yields regular income.

It’s going to remain relevant and timeless.

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भटकाव, ठहराव, बदलाव

कल एक सज्जन से मिला, जो जिंदगी की परेशानियों से पिछले कुछ सालों से संघर्ष कर रहे थे और काफी जद्दोजहद के बाद अब अपने आप को थोड़ा उबरा हुआ महसूस कर रहे हैं।

“आप सब की कृपा, सुझाव, प्रोत्साहन, योग और मेडिटेशन के वजह से अब मैं ठीक महसूस कर रहा हूं।” इन शब्दों से उन्होंने अपनी मानसिक स्थिति को जाहिर किया।

मेरा भी मन बहुत ही प्रसन्न हुआ। मैंने तुरंत ही उनसे कहा:

“आपने जो स्वयं के ऊपर काम किया है, यह ठहराव लाया है यह अवश्य ही सराहनीय है।

हमारी व्यथा का जड़ ही यही है कि हम अकारण बल्ब जलाकर राख लेते हैं और मान लेते हैं के ये हमेशा प्रकाशित ही रहेंगे।

हम सोच लेते हैं कि अपने तो सदा ही अपने ही रहेंगे। यह भूल जाते हैं कि हमारा असली जुराब तो सिर्फ स्वयं से है बाकी सब तो छलावा है।

अब आपको बदलाव के तरफ बढ़ना है। आपने मानसिक अवस्था को और सुचारू करनी है। स्वयं के लिए थोड़ा सा जीना है। खुश रहना है। व्यवस्थित रहना है। व्यवहारिक होना है। वास्तविक होना है।”

वो मुस्कुराते हुए आगे बढ़ गए।

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Start Fast Finish Strong

Let’s be honest.

If U don’t take this challenge in front of me, even though I have the intent to succeed, I will get distracted and soon drop the ball even before the new year party hangover gets over.

I will challenge myself this coming year every day to think of a radically different approach.

I will challenge myself to put my goals in front of me and pursue deliberate practice to get it accomplished, every project to be finished on time, and every assignment to be delivered with the best processes and tools.

I challenge myself to not only set up the goals, but for me to make them real as it’s gonna be everything for me.

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The entrepreneurship model is changing

In 2010 I bid goodbye 18 years of corporate career resigning from the top job amid lots of hopes and desperation. It took some efforts to free myself from fears of loosing out because of apprenticeship habits and then I started to see the world from a different perspective.

There is something extraordinary happening in our country and the world. To experience this phenomenon, I needed to be like a free bird, it became necessary to fly to explore the voyage. Bonded inside e corporate world with a brand tag , I won’t have quite realized it.

There are 200 million youths are coming to the employment market and our current system can provide employment opportunity to only 60 million people. We need the explosion of startups, thousands of entrepreneurs and facilitators who can turn the fortune of our countrymen by bringing up their billion dollar ideas to life.

We need to correct our entrepreneurial thinking. Our belief that the vortex of entrepreneurship is to find an investor and get funded needs tuning. Our notion that be funded is like winning the Cricket World Cup must change. And those who strike funding and start living like a species from a different world should realize the ground realities before their daydreaming becomes nightmare.

If you speak to those who got funded they will tell you that they get back to being an employee. Even though you have brought in the people who share your dreams and vision, they may not agree with your process and soon it becomes all about the money. Accomplishing the financial end becomes the main driver of business. We all saw what happened with

Entrepreneurs are suffering with it. Excellent startups began to tumble because the money seeking model is endless. One of my own startup went berserk when I begun focusing on raising money more than running the business.

A new way to enter into this phenomena is needed for fulfilling India’s success through a collaborative entrepreneurial ecosystem. Think and let me know what you think?

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You have already answered

“Oh! Shhhh….. Really?”
One of the things I find awkward about interviewing is when towards the end, I ask the candidate, “Do you have any questions for me?” and the person says, “Not for now. You have almost answered everything.”
My head starts spinning, “Really!? I have been only asking questions since the interview began. When did I answer your questions?”
I always expect the candidates should come prepared with questions. The questions like:
Get clarity related to the job role so that you know the expectations right from the beginning.
You should know if they had this position earlier and what happened to the earlier guy on the role.
It would help if you got some ideas about the company’s vision and growth plan.
Ask about the company culture and work rules, if any.
And you should ask questions that can help you gauge what kind of people you are going to work with when you join the company.

Whether you are looking for an internship or a fresher job, These questions will help you make a better decision about what you can expect when you join them. Whether it is the kind of setup you want to associate to build your career and whether you should look for a better opportunity.

Next time, when you appear for the interview, you should be prepared to ask questions.

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Create a canvas, not a painting

I met a business associate few days ago. I was impressed realizing the way he begin the conversation. Rather than asking for “What you do?” “Where are you from?”.

He started telling me about few of the things that he learned about me and how that influenced him to ask for the meting.
I could observe an invigorating chemistry firming up and by the time we begin discussing the business, we both were feeling of like a friend.
In all you do, create opportunities and conditions for those around you to add value to an idea. Empower them to contribute. Encourage them to improvise!

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Pray everyday

Pray everyday so that you attract the spiritual forces to grant you.
Freedom to be yourself.
Victory to the ailments and eliminating the evils.
Fame to stand tall and hold your head high.
Capacity to destroy all the hostility that causes disruption in the life and living of you and everyone else.

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Life is What You Make It

Last week we did a survey in our office — we asked people how do you feel working with us by voting anonymously.
65% responded Happy
20% responded Worried
and 15% responded Sad

I told them that those who feel sad should find a better place where they can turn happy because I feel sadness cannot be repaired and we are not in the business of repairing sadness. To those who felt worried, I asked them to have an appointment to discuss the way for them to turn happy.

I made a commitment to employees that let’s work together to make happy ones more happier and worried ones to turn happy while listening to their concerns and solving it.

One employee dropped me an email. We spoke and what I discovered was that the employee was worried because she was not happy with her performance and she had doubts about her own capabilities of becoming successful in her current role. I drew the analogy from the marriage system and said to her, “We marry with so much excitement but, all the fun fades so quickly. However, we don’t give up on the relationship. We gradually strengthen the relationship and enrich each other’s life with commitment to make it a fulfilling one together. If you start thinking about the job also like a marriage, it will turn out to be a much more fun and rewarding thing to pursue. Life is what you make it. It’s not a ready-to-eat food platter from which you can choose to eat only what you like.”

I could see a smile and peace on the face and hope that next month our rate of happy employees will increase.

If you want to know how to conduct similar exercise in your office, please drop me your message.

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Listening to your quiet voice

Sometime, when you are afflicted by the situation where you are not able to make decisions – remind yourself of your favourite activities like listening music, singing, playing your favourite sports, sitting in the park or simply walking. Leave your trouble and begin doing your favourite activity.

Your mind will begin listening to your quiet voice suppressed in your heart and you begin listening the answers that would make you come out as a winner.

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