Ishwar Jha

Entrepreneur, Digital Media Specialist, Technology Innovator, Speaker & Blogger. I relish the vision of creating a collaborative and participatory platform that would help enrich the lives of people. My expertise includes; - Business model generation - Lean Startup - Customer Development - Digital Strategy - Technical Innovations - Digital Product design and development - Mentoring, coaching and inflection support for entrepreneurs

Celebrate life

The more you praise and celebrate your life the more there in life to celebrate.

Our everyday life is quite monotonous.

Waking up, exercising, eating, going to work, rest and sleep. Living monotonous makes life boring.

In every culture, celebrations are created so that we can enjoy the joyous setting.

Holi, Diwali, Eid, Christmas and many more.

These are our opportunity to elevate our spirit by meeting, greeting, splurging and connecting with the things that brings smile on our face.

We can also celebrate everyday by doing some small things like birthdays, meeting friends, appreciating good work and also doing things that can help mood elevation.

Don’t wait for opportunities, just keep an eye on small happenings and seek ways to celebrate it.

Lets live celebrated.

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Finding happiness

In life, each one of us think, crave and live for happiness. Its our no.1 desire. But, many of us struggle to be happy as life challenges keeps stealing away our happiness.

In my experience, if we stay connected with our near and dear ones, stand up and fight the adversity and be thankful to whatever we have can certainly be more happy.

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” ~Dalai Lama

I know you’d be thinking that finding happiness is challenging but if you hate the world then its daunting. The secret of happiness lies in keep finding the moments while things keep happening around.

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Do you have ownership of every moments of your business

Secretary, “Sir, prior to joining you as your secretary, I always dreamt of becoming Morgan. Now, after working with you even dreaming about becoming Morgan is like a horrible thing.”
Morgan, “Why? What is the problem? What makes you think this way?”
Secretary, “In your office peon comes at 9.30am, managers come at 10.30am, directors come at 12noon. They all leave office by 6pm. I feel being a peon in your company is more enjoyable than being the owner. You come at 7am and leave office only by 7pm. I don’t know why you are doing it?”
Morgan, ” Oh! You won’t understand the pleasure of being an owner. The pleasure of walking into the office as a owner can’t be compared to come at 930am and work as a peon. Because you’ve not lived this ownership life, you won’t know the pleasure either. The ownership is a kind of enjoyment that only owners can relish.”

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जरा ठहर जाओ, विश्राम तो कर लो

क्या आपने कभी विश्राम किया है?
भगवान शिव क्षीरसागर से निकले हलाहल का पान कर लिए। पीने के बाद देवता लोग आए और पूछे,”प्रभु आपने विष का पान किया तो आपको डर नहीं लगा?”

शिवजी ने पूछा, “यह हलाहल विष कहाँ से आयी?”
देवता बोले, “समुद्र मंथन से।”
शिवजी ने पूछा, “समुद्र मंथन किसने किया?”
देवता, “जब सारे देवता थक गए तो सागर के स्वामी भगवान विष्णु ने स्वयं।”
शिवजी, “तो आप समझो – भगवान विष्णु स्वयं ही इसे पी लेते लेकिन उन्होंने मेरे पास भेज दिया। मैं तो राम राम जाप रहा था और उन्होंने विष भेज दिया। मैं तो इसे मेरे राम का प्रसाद समझकर पी लिया और विश्राम पा लिया।”

तो आपके पास जो भी है, जो भी आए उसे भगवान का प्रसाद समझ कर पान कर लीजिए, सहजता से विश्राम की अवस्था में सदैव रहेंगे।

जरा ठहर जाओ, विश्राम तो कर लो Read More »

The whole world is my well

A frog born and lived in a well for a long time. One day another frog that lived in the sea came and fell into the well.
Well, one day another frog that lived in the sea came and fell into the well.
“Where are you from?”
“I am from the sea.”
“The sea! How big is that? Is it as big as my well?” and he took a leap from one side of the well to the other.
“My friend,” said the frog of the sea, “how do you compare the sea with your little well?”
Then the frog took another leap and asked, “Is your sea so big?”
“What nonsense you speak, to compare the sea with your well!”
“Well, then,” said the frog of the well, “nothing can be bigger than my well; there can be nothing bigger than this; this fellow is a liar, so turn him out.”
That has been the difficulty all the while, we all are sitting in our own little well and think the whole world is my well.
Source: Swami Vivekananda At the World’s Parliament of Religions, Chicago
11th September 1893

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Thoughts on network well and standout

An easy checklist to network well and standout before you attend a networking event is:

– Write down your goals including kind of people you’d like to meet, ideas you’d like to validate,and leads you’d like to generate

– Find out the kind of people who can help you achieve the goals

– Try to pre-schedule the appointment, how can you establish contact and then a relationship with them

– Don’t limit yourself to direct prospects and contacts within your comfort zone

– Follow up with connections made post the event

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Way to achieve mindfulness

“Serenity of thought, gentleness, silence, self-control, and purity of purpose—all these are declared as the austerity of the mind.” Bhagavad Gita Ch.17.16

Not to get affected by the worldly matters which arise due to situational, social, and economical events.

Selfish act with the motive of self-profits and fulfilment of ego.

Make compassion, forgiveness and kindness a permanent residence in your heart and mind.

Always think, decide and do things for the holistic welfare of all living being.

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बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति विषयों के संयोग से होने वाले सुख या दुख में मन नहीं रमाते

श्रीकृष्ण कहते हैं: “इंद्रियों और विषयों के संयोग से पैदा होनेवाला सुख आदि अंत वाले और दुःखके कारण हैं। अत: बुद्धिमान पुरुष उनमें मन नहीं रमाते।”

आँख, कान, नाक, जिह्वा, त्वचा और मन ये छह इंद्रियाँ सतत ही विषयों का भोग मिले इसके लिए लालायित रहते हैं बिलकुल मोबाइल फ़ोन के अंटेना की तरह बल्कि उससे भी तीव्र। अगर विज्ञान की भाषा से देखें तो इनकी ग्रहण शक्ति बाक़ी सारे अंटेनाओं से काफ़ी ज़्यादा हैं। आँख देखने के लिए, कान मधुर वचन सुनने के लिए, नाक सुगंध के लिए, जिह्वा स्वादपूर्ण भोजन के लिए, त्वचा स्पर्श के लिए तो मन भोग विलास मय विचारों में  लीन रहने के लिए।

ज़रा सोचिए — आपको रसगुल्ला खाने की इच्छा है, सामने रसगुल्लों से भरा प्लेट आ जाए। आप को ५ १० रसगुल्ले तो बड़े अच्छे लगेंगे लेकिन आपसे १०० रसगुल्ले खाने को कहा जाए तो वह सुख देने वाला होगा या दुःख? इसी तरह, आपका प्रेमी आपसे एक दो बार “आई लव यू” कहने की जगह हार २ मिनट में “आई लव यू कहना शुरू करदे तो आप तो पागल ही जो जाओगे ना। 

इसीलिए श्रीकृष्ण यहाँ चेताते हैं की बुद्धिमान पुरुष इंद्रियों और विषयों के भोग से प्राप्त होने वाले स्थिति में मन नहीं रमाते। आप क्या कर रहे हैं? सोचिएगा।

बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति विषयों के संयोग से होने वाले सुख या दुख में मन नहीं रमाते Read More »

The right way to start a business

An aspiring entrepreneur asked me during the workshop, “I want to start a business, but I don’t know how and where to begin.”

A person from the audience replied, “The best way to start your business is to start now.” The audience applauded and I wished it was that simple.

In my opinion, the ideal way to start a business is to have an idea and then ask yourself, “Why is no one else pursuing this valuable opportunity?”

Then, you need to answer three crucial questions: First, what is valuable? Second, what can I do? And third, what is no one else doing?

This will give you the confidence to move forward and build a business that validates your idea – whether you should start it or not.

As a good #entrepreneur, you should run your business in a way that enables you to generate new ideas, experiment, fail, learn and succeed.

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Stop Your “Work” To Get In The Way Of Life

I had an interesting conversation yesterday with a person who once said to me, “I’d love to travel to the Himalayas with you.”

I asked to join Vipassana with me, it was refused, “I have a lot more on my platter than thinking about these things right now.”

Most of us are caught in the web of responsibilities; kids, family, financial, work, learning, etc. Where is life? You’re like a dead one en route to your graveyard – sometimes alive, sometimes dead.

Long story short: The world around you will keep unveiling on its own because of the safe hands of the maintainer. You need to take charge of yourself only, enabling life to happen not forcing yourself to get things done.

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“The Secret Pulse of Time” by Stefan Klein

This book is a hidden gem for people who aim to learn brain physiology, social psychology, philosophy and Einsteinian physics through Klein’s original investigation and reportage, personal revelation, and commanding presentation based on scientific research.

 In the book, you will find practical ways to make sense of and gain control over time, including how to avoid becoming worn out by the fast tempo of modern life and how to attune to your inner clock for more productive, satisfying days:

  1. How not to lose your head when a deadline is quickly approaching.
  2. How the present becomes a memory-and vice versa.
  3. How to attune to your inner clock for more productive, satisfying days.
  4. How to avoid becoming worn out by the fast tempo of modern life.
  5. How to prioritize your time and focus on what is most important.
  6. How to use technology to your advantage to save time and increase productivity.
  7. How to slow down and appreciate the present moment.
  8. How to let go of the past and live in the present.
  9. How to train yourself to be more productive and efficient with your time.
  10. How to find meaning and purpose in your life.
  11. How to manage your energy levels to maximize productivity.
  12. How to use mindfulness techniques to stay focused and present.
  13. How to delegate tasks effectively to save time.
  14. How to set realistic goals and deadlines.
  15. How to avoid procrastination and stay motivated.

Here are the select quotes from the book I’m pondering:

“Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.”

“The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.”

“Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind.”

“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.”

“Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to.’”

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Steal knowledge to succeed well

If you steal things, they will last until they are used up
If you steal money, it will last until you spend it all
If you steal power, one day you will lose it
If you steal fame, one day it will fade
If you steal people, they will last until someone else steals their hearts
If you steal knowledge, it will be with you until your last breath

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Laila Majnu – An Allegory of Love Story

Majnu fell in love with a woman called Laila who was not beautiful according to others. According to the public opinion she was very ordinary, homely — not only that but ugly too.

And Majnu was mad, so mad that the very name of Majnu has become synonymous with madness. He was continuously praying to God, continuously moving around the city asking people for help, because he was a poor man and the woman he had fallen in love with belonged to an aristocratic family. Even to see Laila from far away was not easy.

Seeing his agony, his anguish, even the king became a little concerned. He called Majnu; he felt great compassion for him.

He told him, “I know that woman; that family is well known to me, and if Laila had been a beautiful woman she would have been part of my harem. I have not chosen her — she is not worth choosing. I have got all the beautiful women from all over the country, and I feel so much for you that I will give you a chance. You can choose any woman from my harem and she will be yours!” — and he called the most beautiful women.

Majnu looked at each woman in minute detail and said, “This is not Laila!” Again and again…he passed over a dozen women, and the remark was always the same: “This is not Laila!”

The king said, “You must have gone utterly crazy! Laila is nothing compared to these beautiful women! You can choose anyone. I KNOW your Laila, I have known the most beautiful women of the world, and my women are some of the greatest that have ever been on the earth.”

Majnu said, “But you don’t understand me. And I can understand that you cannot understand. It is not a question of choosing somebody else; the choice is not in my hands. It has happened already; the heart has chosen! I am nobody, I cannot interfere in it. The mind is only the circumference; the heart is the center. The center has chosen, how can the circumference interfere?

“And moreover — forgive me for saying so, because you have been so kind — I still insist that there has never been a woman like Laila and there will never be again. But to see the beauty of Laila you need the eyes of a Majnu, and you don’t have those eyes so nothing can be done about it. You have to see her through MY eyes; only then will you be able to see the grandeur, the splendor of her being.”

Remember these words: To see the beauty of Laila you need the eyes of a Majnu. It is a question not decided by the mind but something to be felt.

Source – Osho Book “Come, Come, Yet again Come”

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Being Organized

“Sharpen your axe for 45 minutes, if you’ve to cut tree in one hour.” I like this proverb and refer it during most of my talks on self development.

Being organized is synonyms to “put in place”, its like having all the ingedients needed to complete a task at hand.

But, before you claim yourself organized, you need to realize and organize things, pricesses and outcome in intirity. You need to equip yourself in a manner that helps you complete the process hassle free so that you don’t get interfered in the middle with distractions and errors.

Its also like pursuing clutter-free. While in the process, clean as you go to avoid clutter. Clutter interfere in your way when you are not organized. Clear your path.

Being organized is the first and most important part of life and living, live organized anyway!

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If you think someone will bail you out

You expect debts, illness, poverty, sins, hunger, accidents, fear, sorrow and mental anguish may attack you and ruin your life.
Despite knowing well about the minutest chance of it coming your way, you create false hopes and expectations from your family, friends and significant others.

Burdened with these fears, you create false hopes and expectations from others. You consider them like a bulb which will shine when you face challenges. This is the root cause of all your sufferings of lost hopes and shattered dreams.

You have forgotten to lighten the bulb of your self abilities to fight and emerge a winner. You are running from one bulb to another and ruining your own power and energy.

To grow a better person you need to switch on your internal bulb, realise your self-sufficiency and be stable in the self to handle the life challenges whenever they cross your paths.
who does not crave pleasure, and who is free from attachment, fear, and anger, is called a sage of steady wisdom.
And when your inner bulb shines you will stop the craving for external pleasure, you will be free from external attachments, fear, and anger to live a life with yourself.
Do not live a stolen you.

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